Last seen: February 9, 2025 8:37 pm
I abandoned my multiple platinum memberships of 10+ years when Sheens was empowered to sack Maguire and then appointed himself as coach. That was eno...
He'll be better than Lee Hagipantelis but that's a very low bar to clear.
And @tigertownSFS, the fact that the kids are a year older and more experienced is as important, IMO, as the recruitment of Luai. Api is a warhorse ...
Fair enough, although I think I read every year about how players have found preseason tough. 2025 will be the year when we see if Marshall can coach ...
We haven't seen them play a game yet, so what's the basis for your comment on season 2025 having better standards and strategy? Just the recruitment?
I truly hope you're right. It is very much needed. Of course, there will be a need to feedback to those who raise issues, I assume through here, so ...
I would think that the absolute least of any basis for positivity for WT could be based on the responses of 675 people on a survey on the LU website. ...
Oh ok, so it's aspirational, and undeniably worthy. But, it seems at the moment, there is no path in place, as yet, for the FRG to influence Club dir...
Thanks, Joel. Just that first sentence though; has the group not existed before? It's a new structure? Is it one of the recommendations from the revie...
Apologies if this has been explained somewhere else, but what is the Fan Representative Group? And, what does it do?
Well done, again, Darcy Byrne!! Genuine, forthright and strong leadership of an issue dear to the hearts of your locals; and, given the merged entity ...
So name the hack journalist then.
I'm not sure about Steve, but I have no confidence in your skills matrix's concept to find the best qualified person. For example, who decides the req...
How did you come to those two assertions in that comment?
Are these recent decisions you are reporting or was that known and reported (and I missed it) before?