Last seen: October 2, 2024 2:26 pm
We looked for the easy win today. It was a half hearted effort. We defended well for the first 3 plays in most sets then were lazy in the back end of ...
I disagree with point 1, but support your point 6. I think there is merit in an extra two captain’s challenges but the bunker can’t get involved in...
I am still yet to see sufficient evidence to overturn the on field decision. In my opinion this is just another bad decision.
The 2000 jersey worn last game did look good, better than when I remember in 2000. I’m not sure if subtle changes were made.
Your summation is very similar to my thinking. My only point of difference is pushing Ice to the bench rather than reserve grade. If he fails to add p...
After watching the reply a few times I couldn’t see any separation. If there was separation it wasn’t conclusive and as the try was awarded by the ref...
I had never heard of the previous chairman. Obviously didn’t do a good job if these comments are a reflection of his leadership.
I wonder if Commbank will be able to support 3 NRL teams and an A League team throughout the season. The surface will get a good workout. I’m stil...
my points this week are based on effort and workrate Bateman - but he is not the answer at 13, I’d give Matamua a few games there to see how he goes...
I too want Richo to stay for a while and continue with his cleaning up of poor governance. This is the time we need strong leadership to implement th...
Good to see the club coming up with these types of initiatives. Creates a sense of community. And well done to the admins of this forum for coming up ...
If you are referring to Dennis Burgess, then you will be disappointed to hear that he was elected as Deputy Chair of the Holman Barnes Group.
Schuster is a massive talent but also seems to be a free spirit. Owen Craigie vibes
Bateman at lock didn’t work well last year. I’m hoping this time will be different. Well done to big Sammy, he deserves his chance.
I can understand the ref missing it, but the touchy and then the bunker ?