Last seen: February 21, 2025 12:09 pm
Actually Lee didn't say that precisely, he said the decision "was taken to deal with the matter at board level with our CEO". I don't believe there's ...
2023 compared to other seasons? No, can't see much difference at all. Forwards go OK, backs are thin, halves don't develop the match, team generally w...
I find it highly ironic that Brooks has been a whipping boy for years and years, and now that the is reported to have told the club he's leaving, some...
You really believe that, that the team that lost 7 matches in a row, managed to win 3 in 4 weeks was on the precipice of a new dawn? A good tough wi...
I understand your general complaint, I was just asking why the Fulton thing was bad. The reports about not informing Sheens - you can't bank that, tha...
Why are Pascoe and Lee the worst here, specifically (not in general)? Either Fulton is a good signing or he is not. Even Weedler, whose opinion mean...
I don't agree on many of these. Fulton in and McDonnell out should have no impact on the current players at all. Yes Brooks is in a run of form, but...
Not only that, mid-season in the midst of a clear-out. There's going to be very little horse-trading in our favour at this point in the season - tea...
Where is the "nobody" column?
Mole is reporting TDS will debut on Thursday.
A fair few muppets on other social media platforms repeating the incorrect bunker's call that Brooks slowed up, as if Brooks isn't allowed to do that....
Always hearing from Annesley too late and with no consequence.
He should have dived. Brooks just doesn't have that game-manipulating mentality.
Affecting a charge down whilst staying on your feet does not give you adequate control or ability to pull out. Of course it gives you more control tha...
Mate staying on your feet makes no difference, that has been made clear enough by the NRL. It's not about diving or staying upright, you can't make an...