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Wests Tigers Unite Collaboration Podcast

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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A very special and unique podcast with collaborators from Wests Tigers Unite coming together to discuss the actions we've taken to try and help Wests Tigers push into a new era of professional administration and governance. On the pod are Rob Bechara (Wests Tigers Life), Zac Kelsey (Tiger Town), Will (Spartan117 on Wests Tigers Forum), Garry Watson, and I. Of course, the primary topic discussed is the Holman Barnes Group's archaic debenture group and the review of the governance of the majority owner of the Wests Tigers. We hope you enjoy! https://weststigerspodcast.com.au/wests-tigers-unite-collaboration-pod/

Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

2023 Tipping Comp Winner Moderator
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Good on you guys. Great pod. Share share share this one everyone. We need thousands to hear it

Wests Tigers Development Player
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I wouldn’t call @garry royalty… 🤣🤣🤣

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posted by: @mike

I wouldn’t call @garry royalty… 🤣🤣🤣

I'm more the court jester.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @mike

I wouldn’t call @garry royalty… 🤣🤣🤣

I'm more the court jester.


Hahaha. How appropriate..🤣🤣🤣


(@Anonymous 19)
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Its no from me for the idea of the "fan voted" board member. As Garry said, we just need the best qualified independent people for the job. I dont think people understand how importance the independence of each of these board positions is. It is crucial and beside the fact that by definition the fan voted member would be less qualified, it will not be truly independent.

The hard work has been done, the original petition did its job, the review did its job. Lets just get the recommendations over the line.

Skippa13, Forever 9th, Garry and 1 people reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posted by: @Anonymous

It is crucial and beside the fact that by definition the fan voted member would be less qualified, it will not be truly independent.

How did you come to those two assertions in that comment?


(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @mercy-rule

Posted by: @Anonymous

It is crucial and beside the fact that by definition the fan voted member would be less qualified, it will not be truly independent.

How did you come to those two assertions in that comment?



The assertion that they would be less qualified is simple logic. If an independent body undertakes recruitment to find the best qualified candidate, against a predefined skills matrix, then the person that is found to be available, with the qualifications taht best match the skills matrix, is the best qualified. If someone other than that person is appointed, by some other process, they are by definition less qualified. These independent board positions (if we get them) are gold and each bum that sits on them needs to be carefully selected on merit to get the best. No more cliques/friends/associates. Just the best.

As far as independence is concerned, any body that is a fan or voted in by fans is not independent. They have their own backgrounds, allegiances, obligations etc to their history or even to the fans that voted them in (on whatever discord server).

Keep It Simple Stupid (not you). Implement the review. Get the best qualified. Get on with it.


Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @mercy-rule

Posted by: @Anonymous

It is crucial and beside the fact that by definition the fan voted member would be less qualified, it will not be truly independent.

How did you come to those two assertions in that comment?



The assertion that they would be less qualified is simple logic. If an independent body undertakes recruitment to find the best qualified candidate, against a predefined skills matrix, then the person that is found to be available, with the qualifications taht best match the skills matrix, is the best qualified. If someone other than that person is appointed, by some other process, they are by definition less qualified. These independent board positions (if we get them) are gold and each bum that sits on them needs to be carefully selected on merit to get the best. No more cliques/friends/associates. Just the best.

As far as independence is concerned, any body that is a fan or voted in by fans is not independent. They have their own backgrounds, allegiances, obligations etc to their history or even to the fans that voted them in (on whatever discord server).

Keep It Simple Stupid (not you). Implement the review. Get the best qualified. Get on with it.


I believe the fans need some form of last resort circuit breaker, but I’m iffy on a member voted director. 

I wouldn’t put my hand up as I’m previously a Balmain fan and I think a lot of people out there would say I’m biased because of this. God knows my previous affiliation has been used against me 1000 times in the past week 🙄


This post was modified 1 month ago by Joel Helmes

Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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We don’t need a fan voted member. I guess the main arguement would be a former WT player that knows the “DNA” would be the most likely outcome but having watched Benny Elias gut the Balmain Tigers by mobilising fans to vote for the motion to sell the Victoria Rd site I could never tolerate a “popular” member again. We have a former premier and ambassador to India on our board (for now). Surely we can find 3 other elite administrators (John Coates?) or business people that can bring talent to the board for a fixed term.

Skippa13 and Joel Helmes reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @helmesy

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @mercy-rule

Posted by: @Anonymous

It is crucial and beside the fact that by definition the fan voted member would be less qualified, it will not be truly independent.

How did you come to those two assertions in that comment?



The assertion that they would be less qualified is simple logic. If an independent body undertakes recruitment to find the best qualified candidate, against a predefined skills matrix, then the person that is found to be available, with the qualifications taht best match the skills matrix, is the best qualified. If someone other than that person is appointed, by some other process, they are by definition less qualified. These independent board positions (if we get them) are gold and each bum that sits on them needs to be carefully selected on merit to get the best. No more cliques/friends/associates. Just the best.

As far as independence is concerned, any body that is a fan or voted in by fans is not independent. They have their own backgrounds, allegiances, obligations etc to their history or even to the fans that voted them in (on whatever discord server).

Keep It Simple Stupid (not you). Implement the review. Get the best qualified. Get on with it.


I believe the fans need some form of last resort circuit breaker, but I’m iffy on a member voted director. 

This merger exists because of two clubs run by fan voted representatives. That is the past. Every fan thinks they have the answer but they dont. We need highly qualifed professionals like the successful clubs.


2023 Tipping Comp Winner Moderator
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A skills matrix would work 🙄

Mike reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @tigersteve

A skills matrix would work 🙄

Im not picking up what you are putting down Steve. Sarcasm? You arent confident in the skills matrix?


Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 562

I'm not sure about Steve, but I have no confidence in your skills matrix's concept to find the best qualified person. For example, who decides the requisite skills for that matrix, how do they get that role and what's their accountability measures.? It's corporate gobbledy-gook and would likely put forward the likes of Hagipantellis and Pascoe who we (the majority of fans) are happy to be rid of.

2023 Tipping Comp Winner Moderator
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Posts: 948

It's a review recommendation that seems to be overlooked atm by HBG. The sarcasm is about not adopting the recommendations in full and in a timely manner 

Mike reacted