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Discuss any health-related topics in this thread.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Crowsnest reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Magnesium flakes dissolved in a warm bath is great for sore muscles 🤣

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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I came over to this thread because it's more appropriate. We three have to make at least one post each about our hobbies in that thread as punishment . 🤣🤣🤣

Reading all the posts so far, particular ref Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, it's heartbreaking to revisit this terrible condition. I say terrible because at it worst level it can destroy families, relationships, friendships. I'm encouraged by you guys fighting the fight.

When I was faced with this disorder with my son it was a long time ago and little was known about it and the so called quick fix was to give him speed and cut out the red cordial.

As you guys have highlighted it's a much more complexed issue than what's first presented.

In the days of my preteen going out of control it was easy for society to say what a little shite your son is, he needs a good wack. That's what people were really saying when they saw a kid out of control. 

Hugging your son in a bear hug trying to stop him from harming himself or other is harrowing.

There are support groups now and more knowledge about the condition but still it helps to talk about it. I'm all ears if you ever need to bounce something off me.....that wasn't an intentional play on words 🙂


lestronge and Frullens reacted
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@crowsnest we’re just really lucky that we thought my son had social anxiety when he was really young . So we taught him the skills very early on how to approach other kids , how to engage with them , and how to show empathy . At the time we thought this was what all parents had to do , so it wasn’t a big deal , but we accidentally stumbled upon masking and learned behaviours , 3-4 years before we even thought anything of it . 
It’s funny because I had a mate at the time say that his behaviour wasn’t normal, and I just thought he was loose because I encouraged him to be loose and express himself . 
I can see how the ODD side of the ADHD typw spectrum and lead to huge problems . 
We are extremely lucky that he’s intelligent , high functioning , and whilst he lacks empathy and emotional intelligence , we have fostered a strong communication with him around asking tough questions . There’s literally nothing that’s taboo, although the birds and the bees does tend to get Yada yada and the subject changed . 
But my nephew is not high functioning at all , and it’s funny because my BIL thinks I’ve got it harder , because it’s obvious with my nephew , so people are far more accommodating with anti social behaviours . Whereas with my son , it’s side eyed looks , and whispers under the breath , passing comments about bad parenting etc . 
I mean if I gave a shit what anyone thinks , that would probably bother me , but I do see his point . And I think it’s a pretty good attitude . Because as with my son , my nephew is a little legend as well . 
And I wouldn’t trade my kids for 100 neuro typical kids . I’m eternally grateful for my lot . Because it could be far worse . I could have had a kid who wants to be an investment banker 😂 

Or a real estate 

Skippa13, Barra and Crowsnest reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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These posts are truly enlightening and amazing. I don't live with the challenges of others, children or parents/families, but I know many who do. While I may find, and sometimes comment upon , my petty disagreement with WT football issues, it's always ignorant of the circumstances and complexities that other posters face. All power, respect and best wishes for the wellbeing and future of your kids, and the job you're doing to help it happen. 

Crowsnest, Jedi Tiger, Skippa13 and 1 people reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posted by: @lestronge

We are extremely lucky that he’s intelligent , high functioning , and whilst he lacks empathy and emotional intelligence

  That sounds so familiar mate. Whilst I don't know what son's official IQ is,  I do remember our therapist saying that he is a highly intelligent lad. As I said before his problems mostly stemmed from being bored. Complexed things he actually enjoyed. He was really good at leggo until he threw a 300 piece space rocket out of our 3 story building window, it didn't fly 🤣

Is your therapist confident that things will improve as he gets older, is he improving?

If there is hope....if he is similar to my boy, he will get better 🤞 Unfortunately my boy grew up and left home when he was better. I couldn't reap the rewards of our hard work.....ha ha, only joking.


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Lol I hope my kids never leave.  He can raise my grandkids in the house and I’ll build a granny flat out the back . 
It’ll be a sad day when they leave that’s for sure . 
I wanna go Elizabethan , with 4 generations in the one house lol .

Mike and Crowsnest reacted
The Last Ronin
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Just reading these posts and can relate to so much. My seven year old has ADHD and social anxiety. It has been a struggle since he was young with a lot of emotional outbursts and having difficulty regulating particularly after social events. He has really started to understand his own behaviour and needs the last year or so which has helped. everyday still has its challenges especially because he doesn’t talk about things that are bothering him so he works himself up before we know what is going on. My wife and I have felt the strain of his behaviour over the years especially with family who aren’t as understanding of his needs and just think he should just do what everyone else does. It’s hard being an advocate all the time but it’s important. 

I work supporting students with disabilities across schools and really understand the challenges parents face. As I always say everyone is on their own journey and will get where they are going when they are ready. That goes for the kids and the parents who are trying to understand their kids. 

stay well. I’m sure you are both fantastic parents from what I’ve seen from you both on here. 


Frullens and Skippa13 reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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@the-last-ronin  Well done mate.

It's good to know that parents are no longer alone in this battle. And we are only talking about one or two things that parents are faced with. (I hesitated in saying "these" days because not all is new, just discovered or rediscovered issues.)

As I keep saying, parents are not alone now and it's a matter of reaching out and getting help if we need it. As years go on and research keeps happening, problems with mental health that is triggered by what we consume or exposed to will be less of a problem (we hope)

The only thing is we keep discovering new illnesses, maybe they have been just developed or maybe they have been there all a long and are exacerbated by our livestyle.

Years ago with the introduction of coal instead of timber to our indoor fireplaces, mysterious illnesses were put down to consumption, in fact it was breathing in invisible toxins from the smoke. We can't talk about politics on the forum so I'll leave the dangers of fossils fuels alone.

We introduce things like this into our lifestyles and are initially unaware of the pitfalls. We shouldn't just tip the scales and not expect consequences.

When it comes to illnesses, I think it's important to know our own children and to hold onto maternal and paternal instincts/principles. This can be done by being close to our kids.

Having a judge or councillor ignore parents is flaunting with danger and heartbreak.


The Last Ronin
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@crowsnest my boy also loves building and playing with Lego. Wonders what’s going on when he gets carried away playing and there are bits all over the floor that won’t go straight back together. I think I’ve become an expert at on the run Lego construction repairs

Crowsnest reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Good chats. Similar boat to those who have posted. My 8 year old has Phelan McDermid Syndrome - relatively rare genetic disorder with autistic traits as well physical disability. Very happy kid but comes with a stack of challenges. When she was diagnosed at 18months I really struggled realising she was unlikely to talk, make friends, have a partner, etc. It took a while and got a little dark, but once I shifted my expectations for the future I came good.

Some people wonder why I get worked up over footy when there is more important things going on in my life. Truth is I need the tigers as a distraction from reality. I know it’s all meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but riding the tigers roller coaster is the only thing I get passionate about outside of family so it’s therapeutic in a masochist way. Sometimes I think players/clubs forget or overlook the deep importance some fans place on the game. There are some jobs that go beyond the remuneration they receive (armed forces being one that we are reminded of this weekend), but this is lost on some in the game, particularly this latest generation.

Crowsnest, Jedi Tiger, Frullens and 1 people reacted
The Last Ronin
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@skippa13 I think that is the hardest part for anyone with a child with a disability - shifting their expectations for the future. A number of the schools I work with have become upset with me when I’ve sided with parents around things. But I always try to remind them we need to support parents on their journey not lead it for them. Glad to hear you are in a good place now and can enjoy your daughter for the beautiful human she is. One of the reasons I enjoy working in the disability field is because you get to work with and meet just amazing pure loving souls. 

Skippa13, Crowsnest, Jedi Tiger and 1 people reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 558

Posted by: @skippa13

My 8 year old has Phelan McDermid Syndrome - relatively rare genetic disorder

I've really enjoyed this thread as people have opened up and revealed that they are human with compassion, frustration, highs and lows and determination.

I haven't heard about Phelan McDermid Syndrome to be totally honest. Is it like ADHD. Did you hint that this is permanent and no cure.... Sorry for my ignorance mate.

I am also interested if this Syndrome is linked to gender. When I think of ADHD, I immediately think it's more to do with boys than girls but that's because of my history with my boy.

Regardless of what the problem is mate, I hope your getting all the support you need.

For the sake of others who maybe reading this thread and don't want to disclose their issues, can you or any others post up links to support groups and/or government agencies. 👍

Skippa13 reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posted by: @the-last-ronin

I think I’ve become an expert at on the run Lego construction repairs

You should go on the tv series Lego Masters 🤣

The Last Ronin
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Posted by: @crowsnest

Posted by: @the-last-ronin

I think I’ve become an expert at on the run Lego construction repairs

You should go on the tv series Lego Masters 🤣

Well the pressure wouldn’t be an issue. I’m use to “hurry up I need it now to finish my game”


we did make a short stop motion movie I’ll try and find. My wife put it on YouTube somewhere 


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