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Wests Tigers Unite - for all Wests Tigers fans

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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The only issue that really matters to me is the constitutional change for the Board of WT that results in 4 truly independent directors for the WT. I only care about HBG board and governance because they are using their controlling votes on the WT board to prevent the constitutional change that the review required. It is ludicrous to think that it would take 12 months to adopt a new constitution for WT and the excuse that it’s sitting on the lawyers desk is absurd in the extreme. I have absolutely no doubt that Romero and Burgess would prefer that they retain a majority on the WT board because it gives them absolute control to hire and fire as they please (hence the talk that Romero threatened to sack O’Farrell if he held a board meeting to ratify a motion to establish a review update). It’s possible that they fold now and ratify the constitutional change but it is laughable to think they would do this absent the outside pressure being applied to them now. It’s also quite possible that their actions over the last 12 months do contravene some NSW laws around the management of leagues clubs, if they did then perhaps HBG will gain some much needed reform however above all else, what I want more than anything, is to never see Burgess’s ridiculous head or have to think about Romero ever again because the WT is run independent of these drongos. Until that happens there will be no letup. If that happens then they can have an extra party pie on me.

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(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @Anonymous

Its a serious consideration IMO. Reportedly Dept L & G are currently investigating and have been for over a month. According to the Chair of HBG (admittedly not explicitly) the final steps of the review recommendations are underway. What is next for Wests Unite? Where does it go from here?

I would like an explicit statement on the recommendations being implemented in full and a timeline for that to happen.

Agree 100% and Romero isnt helping her case by not being explicit. It does make it sound conspiratorial. The fact that she has made this statement is a good sign. I actually dont see how she could ever think she could get away with any conspiratorial moves to block the review at this point.


I do agree, but why wouldn't you be explicit in that?


I dont know obviously, I would guess she is trying to leave every avenue open that would possibly allow her survival, but it seems that those doors are closing around her. I dont see any option other than the right thing to be honest.


(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @frullens

Full implementation of 100% review actions is an absolute must


  • Constitutional change
  • Independent board
  • Public release of report outlining all actions delivered


If we get a restructure of HBG board and governance process, that is cherry on top. Moving away from debenture could only help them perform better and be accountable to members.


And gives WT fans an avenue for influence

I agree with you 98% Frullens. The missing 2% is the avenue for fan influence. IMO that is NOT what we want or need. Its understandable to think that right now when we desperately need the review to be fully implemented and HBG seem set to stop it, but we need to remember that this merger came from 2 clubs that were completely managed by "fan" (members) voted representatives and it was a failure that resulted in the need for the merger. The most successful clubs in teh NRL do not have fan representation.

We need to aspire to the professionalism of the top clubs not populism.


(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @tigertragic56

@tiger5150 unfortunately I think this is why the 3 board members were punted, because they were raising the exact concerns re the progress (rollback ??) of the review items. Particularly the independent wests Tigers board non progress. Their expulsion at this time based on recent ‘conflict’ with Romero block members identifies the challenges in progressing the review and the need for broader reform.


If the review is progressed to its full implementation there is no need for broader reform.


Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posted by: @Anonymous

If the review is progressed to its full implementation there is no need for broader reform.

Unless you are a member of the HBG clubs, then you might think a broader reform is necessary. I mean the HBG effectively sacked the only two elected members of that board. I would say there are quite a few unhappy HBG club members right now. 


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Posts: 1783

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @frullens

Full implementation of 100% review actions is an absolute must


  • Constitutional change
  • Independent board
  • Public release of report outlining all actions delivered


If we get a restructure of HBG board and governance process, that is cherry on top. Moving away from debenture could only help them perform better and be accountable to members.


And gives WT fans an avenue for influence

I agree with you 98% Frullens. The missing 2% is the avenue for fan influence. IMO that is NOT what we want or need. Its understandable to think that right now when we desperately need the review to be fully implemented and HBG seem set to stop it, but we need to remember that this merger came from 2 clubs that were completely managed by "fan" (members) voted representatives and it was a failure that resulted in the need for the merger. The most successful clubs in teh NRL do not have fan representation.

We need to aspire to the professionalism of the top clubs not populism.



I agree not having a fan board member on WT board. And relying on merit based independent board members.

I was more thinking if HBG board and governance was changed to allow for majority of HBG board positions were HBG member voted from the current 27,000 member pool.

I understand the review changes would separate the running of HBG and WT boards.

But I assumed there was a circuit breaker role for HBG if WT board is unferperforming. (Does anyone know if this is the case????)

Say if we haven't made finals in 5 years, HBG could call for new and existing independent WT board members, like what it's currently happening. 

By having HBG members vote count, it gives an avenue for WT to put pressure on when it's needed




Top 8 2023

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Anyone got a copy of most recent DT article following release by HBG?

Top 8 2023

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Wests Tigers owners hit back at public scrutiny after three Holman Barnes Group board members receive bans

The Holman Barnes Group have hit back at critics in the wake of banning three board members, addressing wild speculation in a strongly worded 15-point rant.


Playing for Benji a major drawcard

The owners of the Wests Tigers have issued a heavy handed 15-point rant in a bid to hose down speculation surrounding the Holman Barnes Group in recent weeks.


The workings of the Holman Barnes Group has been brought into the spotlight following a decision to ban three board members with the sanction handed down on New Year’s Eve.


Rick Wayde was banned for eight years, Tony Andreacchio (six) and David Gilbert (six months) for a range of alleged misdemeanours. The statement does not directly address the reasons for banishing the trio.


The Holman Barnes Group have hit back at critics, after three board members were banned.

The Holman Barnes Group have hit back at critics, after three board members were banned.

It has sparked scrutiny from the Liquor and Gaming NSW while one of the longest serving debenture holders John Hardgrove has called for the scrapping of the current ownership structure.


The constant headlines has forced Holman Barnes Group to address their plight in a strongly worded notice to its members.


They have labelled some of the reporting as “false and divisive” and said some of it was “nonsense and scandalous gossip”.


Former Wests Club president John Hardgrove (right) has called for the current Tigers ownership structure to be scrapped. Picture: John Appleyard

Former Wests Club president John Hardgrove (right) has called for the current Tigers ownership structure to be scrapped. Picture: John Appleyard

The 1000-word statement goes on to address matters using dot points with “FACT” at the front of each one.


It included;


– The Holman Barnes Group is absolutely and unequivocally committed to the joint venture. We’re also proud of the amazing achievements and histories of Wests Magpies and Balmain Tigers respectively. Any reporting or suggestion that we’re not committed to Wests Tigers is untrue.


– At the end of the 2023 NRL season, the Holman Barnes Group commissioned an all- encompassing review into the governance of Wests Tigers. We stand by the recommendations in that review, which were adopted unanimously by the board in December 2023.


– The review recommendations have largely been implemented.


– The review recommends the appointment of four independent directors, one of whom shall be chair. The review recommends an externally led, independent recruitment process. This process is nearing completion.


– (Tigers chairman) Barry O’Farrell has no issue in applying and understands he was initially on the board in an interim capacity.


– Wests Tigers operations, including the football department is independent of Holman Barnes Group.


Tony Andreacchio and Rick Wayde were among the three board members banned.

Tony Andreacchio and Rick Wayde were among the three board members banned.

The statement goes on to defend the debenture system which essentially hands control of the Holman Barnes Group to 16 active members.


“The structure of Holman Barnes Group has served the club and community well for 69 years,” the statement read. “The debenture holder system enabled our club to open its doors in 1955. Beyond this, the system has ensured stability in an ever changing environment.


“Debenture holders are first and foremost club members who undergo a rigorous screening process to obtain a debenture, which is issued for a five-year period. The debenture may or may not be renewed beyond that time following further governance processes.


“Debenture holders are nominated for election to the board and indeed it is our members who confirm that nomination and election to the board at each relevant annual general meeting.”


A debenture holder meeting is scheduled for next month.


Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne described the statement as “very confusing”.


“How can they issue an update about the crisis without even mentioning the fact that half the Board has just been expelled,” Byrne said. “There is a growing realisation amongst club members that this chaos can’t go on any longer and something must be done.


“The idea that 18 people can continue to have complete control over a club membership of 27,000 is just plain wrong.”




In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2166

Darcy is growing on me:


Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne described the statement as “very confusing”.


“How can they issue an update about the crisis without even mentioning the fact that half the Board has just been expelled,” Byrne said. “There is a growing realisation amongst club members that this chaos can’t go on any longer and something must be done.


“The idea that 18 people can continue to have complete control over a club membership of 27,000 is just plain wrong.”

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Wests Tigers Unite

For ALL Wests Tigers Fans

Press Release

4th January 2025


Wests Tigers Unite Welcomes Probe Of Holman Barnes Group

Members of the Wests Tigers Unite group say they are relieved to hear reports that the office of NSW Liquor & Gaming has already commenced a probe into the Holman Barnes Group (HBG) governance.

Wests Tigers Unite has brought together leading Wests Tigers-focussed social media and podcast platforms to advocate primarily for two things, firstly, for the HBG to support and implement the full recommendations of a 2023 review into the Wests Tigers NRL club, and secondly, for the implementation of the review into the governance of the majority owners of the Wests Tigers, HBG.

The group has launched a petition calling for that review into the governance of the HBG and signatures now total over 1,300. In the coming weeks, Wests Tigers Unite intends to present this petition to the HBG, Liquor & Gaming NSW, and the NSW Minister for Liquor and Gaming, The Hon. David Harris, MP.

It is expected that the petition will add community and fan weight to that review.

Meanwhile, Wests Tigers Unite would like to respond to a statement released by the HBG yesterday, in which the HBG attempted to squash recent criticism of its reluctance to fully support the review recommendations, as well as concerns about the group’s debenture holder system.

Wests Tigers Unite says the statement, although heavy on words, was light on substance and has done nothing to quell their concerns. Namely, the group remains concerned that:

The statement gave no timeline as to when the full review recommendations would be implemented. Without a timeline and transparency, we find this to be of little comfort and is nothing more than words.

In particular, the statement gave no defined timeline for the implementation of the most important recommendations, the appointment of four independent directors to the Wests Tigers board, and the constitutional change needed at the Wests Tigers to allow this to happen. The review recommendations called for this process to be completed within six months, and is now seven months overdue. This means Wests Tigers continues to be hampered by a four-person interim board, including two non-elected HBG debenture holders.

Thus, we ask the HBG to confirm to Wests Tigers fans and members without delay what the timeline is to have these important recommendations adopted.  

In regards to the debenture holder group at the HBG, Wests Tigers Unite believes it is now most likely a moot point as the state government authority investigates that function of governance at the HBG. 

However, we would like to see the HBG answer these questions specifically:

  1. What exactly is involved in the “rigorous screening process” that members are put through when they try to gain a debenture?
  2. How does the HBG know that the debenture holders accurately reflect and represent a broad cross-section of their membership (around 27,500 people)? 
  3. Why doesn’t any other registered club in NSW (according to our research) have debentures?
  4. What is the “ever-changing environment” that you believe the debenture system protects the HBG from? How does the debenture system specifically safeguard the club from it? And, why don’t other similar clubs, presumably in similar operating environments and facing similar challenges, use a debenture group?
  5. Is debenture holder John Hardgrove correct when he says the debenture system has served its purpose but a new system is now needed?
  6. Is it fair and reasonable that just 17 club debenture-holding members (at present) hold five of the seven positions on the board?
  7. When will the external audit of the Wests Tigers review implementation process, which was reportedly blocked by HBG, be completed? Why was this blocked in the first place?

And, finally, we ask, how can fans and members have faith in the stability and effectiveness of your governance when almost half of your board is suspended? 

The HBG preaches stability, unity, and progress in its statement. We now want to see actions, not just words. 


Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

Russtutty63, Tigerlily, Kenny4517 and 3 people reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Keep the pressure on

Top 8 2023

Tigerlily, Garry, Joel Helmes and 1 people reacted
Wests Magpies Harold Matts
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Posts: 203

Nice work boys.

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Wests Tigers Unite

For ALL Wests Tigers Fans

Press Release

5th January 2025

Wests Tigers Unite Says Balmain Needs To Break Silence 

Wests Tigers Unite says reports that the Balmain Tigers (BTRLFC) have, or are, considering an approach from a potential New Zealand-based NRL expansion franchise are extremely disappointing.

And, further to this, the Balmain representative on the Wests Tigers board, Balmain Tigers Chairman, Danny Stapleton, needs to explain his part in any talks with the Kiwi bid team. 

If Mr Stapleton has taken part in talks with a potential rival NRL outfit, simply, we believe he should immediately resign from his position as this would make him unfit to sit on the Wests Tigers board.

Our group, a strong combination of Wests Tigers-focussed social media and podcast platforms, is working hard towards a common goal - a unified and successful Wests Tigers.

Sadly, what is becoming increasingly obvious to us, is that the foundation clubs, and the self-interest of some individuals, is getting in the way of the NRL club’s progress.

That is why we have asked for and are in support of a Liquor & Gaming NSW review into the governance of the Holman Barnes Group (HBG). 

It is why we want the HBG board to implement, or at least timeline, the recommendations of the 2023 review into Wests Tigers management and culture.

Now, it is why we are letting the BTRLFC know that we will not tolerate division, nor will we turn a blind eye to any evidence supplied to us that shows their club is failing to meet corporate governance requirements.

We don’t want Balmain to leave the family that is Wests Tigers, however, we will no longer be allowing the foundation clubs, and those who wish to tear the Wests Tigers apart, to wield influence over the NRL club.

The Balmain Tigers need to come forward ASAP and be completely transparent with the Wests Tigers fans.


Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2166

Just an observation mostly from the other forum - it’s interesting that the split in the fan base appears to be Wests Magpies vs Wests Tigers supporters. The magpies group believe they have the right to make decisions in their interests because Wests bought out Balmain ownership whereas the wests tigers faction only have interest in improving the NRL results. I can see why both factions have their beliefs (and clearly I align with the WT faction) but it’s interesting that there are no Balmain factions left that I can see (although Wests faction perceive all WT views as Balmain bias which I think is the root of the last remaining division). If the constitutional reform for WT goes through I think this genuinely will be the end of the split in the club because at that point both the Wests and Balmain legacy factions will have lost all power.

CanberraTiger, Tigerlily, Joel Helmes and 2 people reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 968

Well done WESTSTIGERS UNITE the spot light needs to be applied to all sections of this so called joint venture ,time to expose all these shadows lurking  in the back ground . In the not to distant future the fan base can protest in front of the whole footballing public on the hills and grandstands at home games  .. as I have said previously people power will prevail if these individuals think they can ride this out there in for a very big wake up call !


This post was modified 1 month ago by Snake

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