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Wests Tigers 2024 Jersey

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2024 jersey black
2024 jersey Orange

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posted by: @tigertownsfs


I think they have added some orange dots to the black jersey. I'm hoping we get one without the Brydens logo soon.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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@garry There will be a jersey hold up as the State gov has legislation in parliament atm to ban gambling advertising on any jersey . This is going to hit big time financially for most clubs .

Junior Pathways
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Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @tigertownsfs


I think they have added some orange dots to the black jersey. I'm hoping we get one without the Brydens logo soon.


Im happy to keep taking the money, We just need better people in management to use it properly.

PS - I would love to see the numbers of jersey sales across the league. I dont see anyone young staying solid with wests Tigers after 15 years of failure.


The Last Ronin
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Posted by: @snake

@garry There will be a jersey hold up as the State gov has legislation in parliament atm to ban gambling advertising on any jersey . This is going to hit big time financially for most clubs .

That’s going to have a big impact across all sports. 


Wests Tigers Development Player
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I won’t be buying anything with the Brydens logo on it. 

Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posted by: @snake

@garry There will be a jersey hold up as the State gov has legislation in parliament atm to ban gambling advertising on any jersey . This is going to hit big time financially for most clubs .

Good move. Way too much gambling advertising in sport. They could ban advertising gambling all together as far as I’m concerned. 


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Posted by: @mike

Posted by: @snake

@garry There will be a jersey hold up as the State gov has legislation in parliament atm to ban gambling advertising on any jersey . This is going to hit big time financially for most clubs .

Good move. Way too much gambling advertising in sport. They could ban advertising gambling all together as far as I’m concerned. 


I bet sometimes and own horses etc but do hope they ban gambling advertising full stop like they did with smoking advertising. if you want a bet you know where to go to get odds and punt we don't need it on jerseys or at half-time when watching games on tv


Mike reacted
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I’ll take a different tack on this. I think we are becoming overgoverned in this country with too many do-gooders proclaiming what’s good and bad for us. If people (adults) want to drink, gamble, smoke etc - let ‘em! Jesus - getting governments and politicians to be the arbitrators of how to lead a good life is a scary proposition!

ps - nice jersey 😂 

Junior Pathways
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Perhaps we will be chosen to carry an anti gambling message on the Jersey... "Wests Tigers - You'll probably lose." 😆 

Joel Helmes reacted
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Posted by: @tgrzmn

Perhaps we will be chosen to carry an anti gambling message on the Jersey... "Wests Tigers - You'll probably lose." 😆 

Well…you can always back the opposition too for easy money 😂


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Posted by: @tigersteve

If people (adults) want to drink, gamble, smoke etc - let ‘em! Jesus - getting governments and politicians to be the arbitrators of how to lead a good life is a scary proposition!


Whilst Im a small government libertarian and agree with the principle of the govt staying out of people lives, the govt has a right to try to limit smoking and drinking whilst they are paying the medical bills. If you want to smoke and drink excsssively you should be able to....if you pay full freight for medical treatment (minus medicare and subsidies),


Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posted by: @tiger5150

Posted by: @tigersteve

If people (adults) want to drink, gamble, smoke etc - let ‘em! Jesus - getting governments and politicians to be the arbitrators of how to lead a good life is a scary proposition!


Whilst Im a small government libertarian and agree with the principle of the govt staying out of people lives, the govt has a right to try to limit smoking and drinking whilst they are paying the medical bills. If you want to smoke and drink excsssively you should be able to....if you pay full freight for medical treatment (minus medicare and subsidies),


Individuals can do what they like as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. However businesses need regulation. Uncontrolled capitalism is a danger to all of us. Unconditional advertising of gambling falls into this category IMO and needs to be much more tightly controlled. The barrage of gambling advertisements in sport needs to stop. The sooner this happens the better off we will all be. People can still gamble if they so wish, none of my business. Extreme advertising of gambling is. 


Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posted by: @mike

Posted by: @tiger5150

Posted by: @tigersteve

If people (adults) want to drink, gamble, smoke etc - let ‘em! Jesus - getting governments and politicians to be the arbitrators of how to lead a good life is a scary proposition!


Whilst Im a small government libertarian and agree with the principle of the govt staying out of people lives, the govt has a right to try to limit smoking and drinking whilst they are paying the medical bills. If you want to smoke and drink excsssively you should be able to....if you pay full freight for medical treatment (minus medicare and subsidies),


Individuals can do what they like as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. However businesses need regulation. Uncontrolled capitalism is a danger to all of us. Unconditional advertising of gambling falls into this category IMO and needs to be much more tightly controlled. The barrage of gambling advertisements in sport needs to stop. The sooner this happens the better off we will all be. People can still gamble if they so wish, none of my business. Extreme advertising of gambling is. 


agree it is not the gambling that is the issue it is the relentless advertising of sports betting and racing etc that has gone too far.

I was recently in the u.s.a. and I had to laugh at the pharmacy stores they sell cigarettes and huge marlboro advertising behind the counter. A packet of 20 marlboro's were $8.50 lol 


Mike reacted
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