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[Sticky] Wests Tigers Signings and Rumoured Signings

The Last Ronin
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 2170

Posted by: @helmesy

Sullivan now refusing to go. SMH report.

why would Sullivan go. No other NRL team would want him and super league is on the other side of the world. He’s on decent money long term in Sydney, nothing to lose. 


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 815

@lorenzo Exactly the attitude they should have. Think about the legacy you create for yourself. As well as being a local junior the impression you would make on the local community (south west Sydney) would be huge. It'd be a great boost for that area of Sydney to have local juniors, proud of their background, to give them a team that they can be proud of. What a tremendous legacy that would be. I often think does James Tedesco ever regret not doing that, I doubt it but you can imagine had he stayed and had some success (unlikely as it seems) what legacy he could've created for people living in the Macarthur region.

This post was modified 3 weeks ago by Russtutty63

Joel Helmes and Lorenzo reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup Moderator
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Posted by: @helmesy

Sullivan now refusing to go. SMH report.


My god we are so screwed.


LoganR21 and Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 1721

Posted by: @avocadoontoast

Posted by: @helmesy

Sullivan now refusing to go. SMH report.


My god we are so screwed.


sullivan is on overs (600k) but it’s probably only 200k overs. In the scheme of the cap it’s not the end of the world. I’m fine with someone playing in the NSW cup team who has the potential to play first grade rather than a journeyman or a teenager (assuming the NRL has a long term stable halves pairing).


Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4111

Posted by: @avocadoontoast

Posted by: @helmesy

Sullivan now refusing to go. SMH report.


My god we are so screwed.


why should Sullivan leave, he signed a contract good luck to him really. Don't think he plays much first grade but the club was silly enough to present that contract unfortunately 


Wests Magpies NSW Cup Moderator
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Posts: 2993

Posted by: @jedi-tiger

Posted by: @avocadoontoast

Posted by: @helmesy

Sullivan now refusing to go. SMH report.


My god we are so screwed.


why should Sullivan leave, he signed a contract good luck to him really. Don't think he plays much first grade but the club was silly enough to present that contract unfortunately 


I wouldn’t leave either. The club offered him the contract. But our money would be much better used elsewhere


Jedi Tiger reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup Moderator
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Posts: 2993

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

Posted by: @avocadoontoast

Posted by: @helmesy

Sullivan now refusing to go. SMH report.


My god we are so screwed.


sullivan is on overs (600k) but it’s probably only 200k overs. In the scheme of the cap it’s not the end of the world. I’m fine with someone playing in the NSW cup team who has the potential to play first grade rather than a journeyman or a teenager (assuming the NRL has a long term stable halves pairing).



that’s a huge amount of money to have invested in a NSW cup player


Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4221

Posted by: @the-last-ronin

Posted by: @helmesy

Sullivan now refusing to go. SMH report.

why would Sullivan go. No other NRL team would want him and super league is on the other side of the world. He’s on decent money long term in Sydney, nothing to lose. 


Exactly my thoughts as well. 


Wests Magpies Harold Matts
Joined: 12 months ago
Posts: 218

Unless he (Bud) had a decent club in Australia after him than he will stay, however the reality is halves and backup halves are not in abundance, have not been for a while and I'm pretty sure that we should not be forcing him to go as we will have to fund a larger percent of his salary...make it known that he has free rein to talk to other clubs and wait for them to approach us. And to be honest he has not been horrible the last few games he has played for us so we will not be waiting too long before he is offloaded. 

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 451

I am wondering who we will be able to get to balance the salary cap. Like, how are we not going to have to pay overs? How are we going to find so many players? 

We may be forced to keep Bud but realistically we would probably just have to use that on overs for another unwanted player. 

Not saying I like the situation either

Wests Magpies NSW Cup Moderator
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Posts: 2993

Posted by: @canberratiger

I am wondering who we will be able to get to balance the salary cap. Like, how are we not going to have to pay overs? How are we going to find so many players? 

We may be forced to keep Bud but realistically we would probably just have to use that on overs for another unwanted player. 

Not saying I like the situation either


that’s true, but I’d rather over pay for a forward or an outside back.


Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 451

Posted by: @avocadoontoast

Posted by: @canberratiger

I am wondering who we will be able to get to balance the salary cap. Like, how are we not going to have to pay overs? How are we going to find so many players? 

We may be forced to keep Bud but realistically we would probably just have to use that on overs for another unwanted player. 

Not saying I like the situation either


that’s true, but I’d rather over pay for a forward or an outside back.


Oh absolutely 


Wests Tigers Supporter
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Posts: 24

Apologies if this has been posted already, but the stats site Rugby League Eye Test did a deep dive on the Tigers 2024 season. Worth a read: https://www.rugbyleagueeyetest.com/2024/06/10/mayish-nrl-efficiency-update-have-the-tigers-improved-on-anything-under-benji/

The summary - there isn’t much sign the Tigers are better this year compared to 2023 or 2022 on either side of the ball. If we think the Tigers are plucky and on the improve, the stats don’t provide much evidence to support that point of view. 

The other item worth checking out - Scott Sattler on SEN talking about Galvin, and painting a picture of the mental challenges the team is facing, along with the attitude that’s needed to take the club forward with a mix of smart experienced players and young guns. https://fb.watch/sGwHU6cpvY/?mibextid=v7YzmG






Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 815

I know it’s been posted already but the more I see of Jack Williams at the Sharks the more I like what I see. If Stef resigns, and I obviously hope he does I don’t think we really need much more to add except a player like Williams who loves the contact in the middle. He’s a bit like a Nathan Brown but with more upside being 3 years younger & having played 40 or so games less. Keep Stef add Luai, Turuva & Williams to the rest of the squad and I think we’d improve a lot. 

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 3382

Re Bud, yes he is saying he will stay, yes he is on a ridiculously good deal and that is probably why he is staying.....BUT.....

Actually read this article and pretend it is about Galvin. Listen to what Bud is saying. This is EXACTLY what you want a WT Contracted player to be saying. I love what he is saying here. This is EXACTLY the right attitude.

Bud is 3rd or 4th choice half this year and next but he has tried his guts out, is better than what we had last year and its not his fault he is on stupid money. If the words he is saying are true, Im happy to have him on board and I hope his attitude rubs off on the others, in particular Galvin.



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