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Wests Tigers Coaching Mega Thread

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Trying to get a gauge on who the fans want. 

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Ciraldo for me.....

Mac_Tiger reacted
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Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Club Statement: Michael Maguire leaves club​

AuthorWests TigersTimestampTue 7 Jun 2022, 02:15 PM

Wests Tigers and Michael Maguire part ways

Wests Tigers Head Coach, Michael Maguire, has today been terminated from his role, effective immediately.

Wests Tigers sincerely thanks Michael for all his hard work and effort over the past three and a half years. As this is no doubt a challenging time for all parties, the club would like to respect Michael's privacy, wish him all the very best and will make no further comment. For the rest of the season Brett Kimmorley will take over as Interim coach.

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 612

Piss week statement ..don't expect anything less from this mob..

Ah Well ..Problems solved ..

Undefeated here we come..

Wests Tigers Development Player Moderator
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Ciraldo would be my first choice but i'm pretty open minded about it. Provided we don't get Barrett or Brown it will be an upgrade.

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posted by: @geo-2

Piss week statement ..don't expect anything less from this mob..

Ah Well ..Problems solved ..

Undefeated here we come..

Very poor. At least say some positive stuff to give the guy a proper send off. Has worked hard over the past three and a half seasons under very difficult circumstances.

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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I just hope we get a fresh face rather than recycle those that have been sacked.

Wests Tigers Development Player
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It won’t matter who the next coach is. The club is in an infinite loop and I doubt it will ever be able to manage its way out of it. 

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 612

Me.. And this is where I'd start with this mob of a pea-hearted playing group..



Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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@geo-2 Yes, I expect the boys to really come together now. This is exactly what they would've wanted and can only assume they said as much during the review process. Obviously their outstanding abilities will now come to the fore under Noddy (a real coach) and they will show us all what we expected to see before a ball was kicked this season, top 4 here we come. Madge was holding them back and it's all systems go now. Undefeated? Absobloodylutely! The future is golden people, the future is Wests Tigers. What odds are we to win this thing? I'm so pumped I'm off to Campbelltown now. Tigers by 50 plus. Let's go!!! "Tigers, Tigers. Tigers!!!"

Geo reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Easy one guys B Kimmorley

Watch out for the bergs

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4311

Should change the title of the topic to ‘Who Will Be The Next Wests Tigers Coach To Be Sacked

Wests Magpies Harold Matts
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Posts: 163

Nathan Brown became available only hours before this decision. Would laugh so hard if its Nathan Brown. Then at least i would know the decision makers have no idea (i strongly suspect it).

Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posted by: @mike

Should change the title of the topic to ‘Who Will Be The Next Wests Tigers Coach To Be Sacked

I actually originally had ‘The Next Wests Tigers Scapegoat Coach Should Be.....


But it wont let you do the strikethrough for the title.


Mike reacted
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