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[Sticky] Wests Tigers admin/governance discussion

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5220

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

At what point do the WT fans start to run a campaign to oust Romero and Burgess?

Very soon, but it isn't as simple as that as they have lifetime seats on the HBG board.


IMO its a weird situation. When I read the question "at what point do WT fans...." my immediate thought was "never....WT fans have no direct relation to the HBG board", but I obviously understand and acknowledge the flow on effects and in particular the obvious obstruction of Romero & Burgess to the WT reform.

There is no direct relation from WT fans to the HBG board and even less debenture holders however....HBG are basically the board that controls a series of pokie sheds and these can run profitably with trained chimps on the board and with zero public exposure and investigation. The link to the management of WT and their abject incompetence places a spotlight on an organisation that is all about collecting poker machine profit and running bingo mornings. The stark spotlight may shift things at HBG for the board members and general members that could do without it.


It is the same as last year, the only influence we can have is through public and media pressure.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 2166

The main problem is that WA is interfering with the WT board and that makes them a threat to our success. It is absolutely reasonable for WT fans to organise a response the WA board given their mismanagement. 

in addition I am a WA member and there is probably a decent crossover between WT fans and WA members so this is a relevant stakeholder block for WA board to pay attention to. WA board have been a protected species for decades. If they don’t want to remove themselves from management decisions at WT then they need to be ousted/pressured to leave the WT alone. And i don’t buy the arguement that they are the “owners” of the WT so they should be able to do what they want - they paid $100 to be one of a couple of dozen debenture holders, they are no more an “owner” of the WT as a season ticket holder (who infact pays more per year to be a member of WT than these board members paid as a one off fee to become a debenture holder)

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5220

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

The main problem is that WA is interfering with the WT board and that makes them a threat to our success. It is absolutely reasonable for WT fans to organise a response the WA board given their mismanagement. 

in addition I am a WA member and there is probably a decent crossover between WT fans and WA members so this is a relevant stakeholder block for WA board to pay attention to. WA board have been a protected species for decades. If they don’t want to remove themselves from management decisions at WT then they need to be ousted/pressured to leave the WT alone. And i don’t buy the arguement that they are the “owners” of the WT so they should be able to do what they want - they paid $100 to be one of a couple of dozen debenture holders, they are no more an “owner” of the WT as a season ticket holder (who infact pays more per year to be a member of WT than these board members paid as a one off fee to become a debenture holder)

We are looking to record a pod tomorrow to start to build pressure.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Jedi Tiger reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5070

These HBG board members are labouring under the false impression that they own the Wests Tigers.

If push comes to shove they will have to accept that WE the fans own this club and we will take it from them if we need to. 

It is tens of thousands against two. 

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(@Anonymous 19)
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Posts: 3988

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

At what point do the WT fans start to run a campaign to oust Romero and Burgess?

Very soon, but it isn't as simple as that as they have lifetime seats on the HBG board.


IMO its a weird situation. When I read the question "at what point do WT fans...." my immediate thought was "never....WT fans have no direct relation to the HBG board", but I obviously understand and acknowledge the flow on effects and in particular the obvious obstruction of Romero & Burgess to the WT reform.

There is no direct relation from WT fans to the HBG board and even less debenture holders however....HBG are basically the board that controls a series of pokie sheds and these can run profitably with trained chimps on the board and with zero public exposure and investigation. The link to the management of WT and their abject incompetence places a spotlight on an organisation that is all about collecting poker machine profit and running bingo mornings. The stark spotlight may shift things at HBG for the board members and general members that could do without it.


It is the same as last year, the only influence we can have is through public and media pressure.


Slightly different IMO. Last year it was pressure from WT fans on the WT board. What you are talking about here is pressure from WT fans on an (almost) unrelated board.


Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5220

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

At what point do the WT fans start to run a campaign to oust Romero and Burgess?

Very soon, but it isn't as simple as that as they have lifetime seats on the HBG board.


IMO its a weird situation. When I read the question "at what point do WT fans...." my immediate thought was "never....WT fans have no direct relation to the HBG board", but I obviously understand and acknowledge the flow on effects and in particular the obvious obstruction of Romero & Burgess to the WT reform.

There is no direct relation from WT fans to the HBG board and even less debenture holders however....HBG are basically the board that controls a series of pokie sheds and these can run profitably with trained chimps on the board and with zero public exposure and investigation. The link to the management of WT and their abject incompetence places a spotlight on an organisation that is all about collecting poker machine profit and running bingo mornings. The stark spotlight may shift things at HBG for the board members and general members that could do without it.


It is the same as last year, the only influence we can have is through public and media pressure.


Slightly different IMO. Last year it was pressure from WT fans on the WT board. What you are talking about here is pressure from WT fans on an (almost) unrelated board.


No last year it was pressure on the HBG, the pressure was directed at HBG board members and CEO. There is already a split in HBG with some directors looking to change the constitution of the club.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4426

Posted by: @helmesy

Posted by: @jedi-tiger

the Magpie black and white pride will destroy this club ...

Only if we let it 


would be good to get you guys and the other forum and westslife guys to all band together for something big to put the pressure on these HBG clowns 


Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5220

Posted by: @jedi-tiger

Posted by: @helmesy

Posted by: @jedi-tiger

the Magpie black and white pride will destroy this club ...

Only if we let it 


would be good to get you guys and the other forum and westslife guys to all band together for something big to put the pressure on these HBG clowns 


Stay tuned


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Jedi Tiger and TigerTon reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 2166

Yeah there was a lot of naysayers about the last petition but given its success I assume there would be even more support for a new one (people will not view it as wasted effort). 

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5070

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

Yeah there was a lot of naysayers about the last petition but given its success I assume there would be even more support for a new one (people will not view it as wasted effort). 

I would hope not, especially given it appears we are all on the same page this time.


Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

TigerSteve reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5070

A very important edition of the Wests Tigers Podcast has just dropped. We are launching a campaign for the implementation of a review into the governance of Wests Tigers majority owners, the Holman Barnes Group. Don't miss this edition and standby for details on how you can get involved. https://weststigerspodcast.com.au/wests-tigers-podcast-0369/

Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

Wests Magpies Harold Matts
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 167

Thx gents.

This is critical for us devoted fans.





Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Supporter
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 29

Given the HBG power structure surely the only position for resolution would be for the NRL to appoint an administrator of the wests tigers football club (ala parramatta previously) to review and create a new board structure to administer wests tigers football, given the NRL finances the football club to the tune of about 12-15 million each year

This post was modified 2 months ago by TigerTragic56

TGRZMN reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5220

Posted by: @tigertragic56

Given the HBG power structure surely the only position for resolution would be for the NRL to appoint an administrator of the wests tigers football club (ala parramatta previously) to review and create a new board structure to administer wests tigers football, given the NRL finances the football club to the tune of about 12-15 million each year

It was the Liquor and Gaming board that investigated Parramatta and put in place the changes there, we will be engaging them as well.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Joel Helmes and MickeyB reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 558

@garry I don’t think Liquor & Gaming have any basis to investigate. HBG are incompetent but they have not acted with impropriety. The Eels were investigated once in 2014 by the LGA because of an allegation that the chairman fudged a vote count to preserve his position.  In 2016, the club made illegal payments to players and this triggered another LGA investigation.



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