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Wests Tigers Home Ground Discussion

Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posted by: @tigertownsfs


it would be a funny idea for the club with the lowest membership numbers to play any games out of Accor stadium

but it has all the "modern" facilities that some fans want 


Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Unpopular opinion after a good win but last night confirmed to me again that LO for all its charm is an atrocious ground for families. Great to stand on the hill with mates but try taking kids when it is virtually impossible to get something to eat or drink and there is a 10min line for the toilet. To top it all off my reserved members tickets are placed right infront of a speaker blasting music the whole game. I am a member and have been for several years and these speakers are blasting out at up to 110 decibels which is enough to cause serious hearing loss. A disgraceful way to treat members. 

Barra and Mike reacted
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Posted by: @tigertownsfs

Unpopular opinion after a good win but last night confirmed to me again that LO for all its charm is an atrocious ground for families. Great to stand on the hill with mates but try taking kids when it is virtually impossible to get something to eat or drink and there is a 10min line for the toilet. To top it all off my reserved members tickets are placed right infront of a speaker blasting music the whole game. I am a member and have been for several years and these speakers are blasting out at up to 110 decibels which is enough to cause serious hearing loss. A disgraceful way to treat members. 

thought the eight wonder was as good as ever, always good seats in the latchem stand on halfway. From where insit you cant even hear the PA system.

Long may it continue and we keep playing like last night

Up the Tiges

Black White & Gold Never Fold


Wests Tigers Development Player
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you can't buy that type of atmosphere the eigth wonder and CSS can give when you are playing well like last night. 

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posted by: @jedi-tiger

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

Unpopular opinion after a good win but last night confirmed to me again that LO for all its charm is an atrocious ground for families. Great to stand on the hill with mates but try taking kids when it is virtually impossible to get something to eat or drink and there is a 10min line for the toilet. To top it all off my reserved members tickets are placed right infront of a speaker blasting music the whole game. I am a member and have been for several years and these speakers are blasting out at up to 110 decibels which is enough to cause serious hearing loss. A disgraceful way to treat members. 

thought the eight wonder was as good as ever, always good seats in the latchem stand on halfway. From where insit you cant even hear the PA system.

Long may it continue and we keep playing like last night

Up the Tiges

Black White & Gold Never Fold


yes the PA can be heard nowhere except blasting the 25 people for are unfortunate enough to be allocate members seats directly in front of them.


Barra and Jedi Tiger reacted
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Farewell Leichhardt Oval. Shane Richardson has all but confirmed we won’t be there after this year. 

My take from this interview is that the strategic plan coming out this week (after unanimous support from the board) will see the club seriously investigate other options, even away from Campbelltown.

The CEO also confirmed Tamworth won’t happen again after this year.


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Snake reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Probably end up at Western Sydney Stadium (CommBank)… my least favoured ground. 

(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @mercy-rule

Posted by: @jedi-tiger

Posted by: @mercy-rule

Posted by: @barra

Sure there will be some that don't renew if we go to a big stadium.

But I for one would buy a better membership if we went to Allianz, I am an out of towner but my family are not interested in attending our suburban grounds because they are below par facilities.

That would change and I would increase my membership, I imagine there would be many that feel similar about the footy 'experience'. Leichardt is fine if I want to go on my own but just doesn't cut it otherwise.

I say agitate for and hopefully get a rebuild at CSS, in the meantime Allianz for the best experience or otherwise Accor.

I haven't renewed after 18+ years since Sheens was appointed and then shafted Maguire. And, despite the changes in governance, there is precious little that inspires me to do otherwise.


what would it take to renew ? winning games and making semis or better stadium etc ? or both


I'm pretty much over the game to be honest and particularly the media associated with it; Anasta, Kent, Rothfield, Hooper, Gould, Johns (x2), Hindmarsh, Fletcher, whoever is on Ch 9 these days, Fittler, Andrew Moore, Luke Lewis, Hadley, Peter Peters etc, etc ....(i'm not sure if they're all still involved tbh lol)

I turn Fox on only for games (but usually switch it off before the end) not for the associated programs through the week these days. Add to that the sports betting influence, the appalling standard of refereeing, the bias that Vlandys and Abdo support and condone for some clubs over others ..... the "sport" has lost its appeal to me.

Of course it hasn't been a "sport" for a long time.  It's a profit making business with those profits generated by the sponsorship from gambling and media companies, and is led and governed for their benefit.

None of that is new, of course. I used to say that I don't follow rugby league, I follow the Tigers. The Tigers were my love and my motivation to be a member and go to 15+ games every year, home and away. But they've been such an embarrassment, on the field and, particularly, off it, that all of that stopped after the 2021 season. The Sheens/McDonnell appointment by Hagipantelis, Pascoe and Board was pretty much the end for me.

I realised the cash I was using on my memberships, merchandise and tickets was just enabling a farcical mob of grifters to run the joint into the ground and become the laughing stock of the competition. If that was their KPI, they did spectacularly. But, they lost me, and a couple of mates, probably forever.

So, what would it take for me to renew as a member?? Probably none of those things you mentioned. I can't think of anything tbh.


well expressed Mercy Rule. Pretty good summary of recent history and a completely valid explanation of your opinion 


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Posted by: @mike

Probably end up at Western Sydney Stadium (CommBank)… my least favoured ground. 

Richo said it's Parras ground.

Didn't sound like CommBank an option for Richo


Top 8 2023

Mike and Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posted by: @mike

Probably end up at Western Sydney Stadium (CommBank)… my least favoured ground. 

I don't like commbank either 


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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@barra I and family would purchase many premium seated memberships for an entire season at a modern stadium … one of the three available ..we have no baggage. Richo is stating the obvious and should have been enacted years ago !There is nothing divisive about this decision what has been divisive has been for 25yrs the club has divided the supporter base . It will be if you don’t like it don’t go as there will be plenty of other supporters willing to pay top dollar to be seated in a modern stadium with facilities that are 2024 standard for an entire season ! Maybe the club  is finally maturing and is now moving forward and out of the past and into a new future!

Joel Helmes, TigerTownSFS, Barra and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @snake

@barra I and family would purchase many premium seated memberships for an entire season at a modern stadium … one of the three available ..we have no baggage. Richo is stating the obvious and should have been enacted years ago !There is nothing divisive about this decision what has been divisive has been for 25yrs the club has divided the supporter base . It will be if you don’t like it don’t go as there will be plenty of other supporters willing to pay top dollar to be seated in a modern stadium with facilities that are 2024 standard for an entire season ! Maybe the club  is finally maturing and is now moving forward and out of the past and into a new future!

I will likely still buy a family membership, but you watch the backside fall out of the memberships if it goes to Accor or Commbank... Not.convinced we recover like souths did when they moved to Accor. Would have hoped the club would have canvassed its membership base but alas probably not

what a great attitude if you don't like it don't go... we are flying so high that we can afford to pi$#o#$ some of our 7,000 members... If we move to commbank, Allianzor Accor do we become nomads of the nrl ? we are no longer leichardt or campbletown... we play put of parramatta's home ground or Accor with the dogs or Allianz with Roosters and possibly souths.

We become prime target for potential relocation with no home base, Wests tigers from Perth anyone ?

Perhaps the outcome is a shared stadium with Dogs at Liverpool 


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Last night was a great example of the Leichhardt dichotomy. On one hand, we pretty much always pull a crowd there - 16k is close to full, coming off back to back spoons. There's a lot of locals and footy tourists that pop up purely for these games. I literally saw a jersey from every other NRL club there last night (and some defunct clubs to boot). I moved around to a few different spots with different people, and all were having a great time (despite one being a sharks fan), given the unique atmosphere the ground generates. 

But on the other hand, the facilities are prehistoric. It takes forever to get a beer (half an hour plus), and most of the lines are outside a view of the field. Food options are terrible. Toilets are better than they were but still very basic. I had a friend there with an 8 year old, and it's a huge battle with just the one kid, let alone a family. 

Further, the corporate facilities are terrible - would be comfortably the worst in the comp. That must have a huge effect on our bottom line compared to what we could pull in at one of the modern grounds. 

I think it'd be a mistake to throw it away completely, but there's no way we can continue there without substantial investment. 

Joel Helmes and Barra reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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I don’t buy the arguement that if you move away from LO the memberships will collapse. You literally cannot become a new member at LO and get a decent seat allocation. Many on this forum are likely sitting in seats on the western side of the ground that they have held on to for 25yrs but any new member is required to sit on the opposite side. LO has amazing history and charm but it is essentially a blokes only event if the game is played at nighttime. This year there is only one game at LO that would be family friendly (Saturday 3pm) and the ground is decidedly family unfriendly for the later games. I don’t want my home ground to be a curiosity for groups of blokes from different teams to turn up, get pissed and pretend it is 1986. To grow this club we need families to start coming to the game and feel safe and happy. The people who can’t see that are deluded.

This post was modified 1 year ago by TigerTownSFS

Mike reacted
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@helmesy How refreshing… Richardson gets it.

Joel Helmes reacted
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