How do we know that owls are smarter than chickens ??
Have you ever heard of Kentucky fried owl🤣😂
In 1802, the condom was invented in New Zealand by using sheep's lower intestine.
Some years later Australians refined the idea by removing the intestine from the sheep first.
What kind of music do balloons really hate?
If anybody wants to know why Boomers are always mad, it's because we had to replace our record collections with a tape collection that we had to replace with a CD collection that we had to replace with an MP3 collection, and now we need a subscription to listen to music.
Why did the picture go to gaol (jail)?
I can't remember how to write 1, 1000, 51, 6 and 500 in Roman numerals
What has 8 eyes and 8 legs?
What does a bald man get from the barber?
What happens when a microscope crashes into a telescope?
How many animals can jump higher than a skyscraper?
Today I was struggling to get my wife's attention.
So, I sat down on the sofa and looked comfortable.
That did the trick.
What kind of music do shoes listen to?
“There are no words in the English language that contain every vowel in alphabetical order!”
...he said facetiously.
Where did Robin Hood buy flowers?