I love going outdoors.
It’s so much safer than going out windows.
I finally figured out what zoom meetings remind me of…
What do dentists call x-rays?
A monk has claimed he saw the face of Jesus in a margarine tub.
when questioned he remarked "I can't believe it's not Buddha."
What’s the worst vegetable to bring on a boat?
What kind of a prize do you give someone who hasn't moved a muscle in a year?
How do you make 7 even?
A wise man once told his wife nothing, because he was a wise man.
Why did the moon skip dinner?
I have CDO.
It's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order.
Like they're supposed to be.
Why are fish easy to weigh?
What stands in a field and goes Oooooh!
What do you call a Magician without magic.