Are you ready?
Are you SURE?
ok.. remember you said so
The meaning of life is math:
M is the 13th letter of the alphabet
A is the 1st letter of the alphabet
T is the 20th letter of the alphabet
H is the 8th letter of the alphabet
I hate people who use physically impossible metaphors. They make my blood boil.
What do you call a horse that moves around a lot?
Why did the Mexican man throw his wife off the cliff??
Tequila 😜🤪😝😂😅🤣
My wife tripped and dropped the basket of clothes she had just ironed. I watched it all unfold.
I remember the first time I saw a universal remote control. I thought to myself.. well this changes everything.
When I was a kid. I wanted to play the guitar really badly. After years of hard work, practice and dedication, I can now play the guitar really badly.
A man walks into a pub with a crocodile under his arm. He asks the barman, "do you serve Rooster fans?" "Yes", the barman replies. "Good", says the man. "I'll have a pint of bitter for me and a Roosters fan for the croc."
Fred walks into a bar and notices a dog at the feet of a patron. Fred says to patron,
Hey mate does your dog bite?
The patron says, "na he's friendly"
After hearing that Fred reaches down to pat the dog's head and was immediately set upon by the dog.
"I thought you said your dog doesn't bite"
"he doesn't, that not my dog, my dog's at home"
What do you call 2 ninjas?
How much space should you give fungi?