Last seen: January 7, 2025 5:51 pm
As I have stated before,I cannot see the HBG Directors knocking off any of their "own" that happen to be WT Directors.Without seeing or hearing anythi...
I think we could do a lot worse than have Wayne Pierce as GM Football. He was our first Coach, could played a bit, he's intelligent and very well conn...
@avocadoontoast I agree.We either have standards or we Don't. Le Frog
How can we have any belief in the future with what looks like Benji's BBQ mates coaching next year. Benji should never have been put in this position ...
I see that O'Neil might be back, so I guess Robert Lui will come back and a couple of others. We never learn. The Frog I acknowledge that O'Neil a...
If Woods comes anywhere near this place,I cannot be held accountable for my actions...........What is this place an Aveo Retirement Village???????????...
First of all congrats on the Petition. I didn't think it would get traction unless a few metaphorical hand grenades were thrown. Also a "qualified" co...
@mike So Bloody True !!!!!!!!!!
@forever-9th Ah,I knew it. Don't know what a "nom de plume" is. Its ok, go back to bed, you're tired. The Frog
@avocadoontoast This has got to be the first time you have ever made sense in 2494 posts. Distraught Frog
@tiger5150 That's hilarious. I figured the 5150 in your nom de plume, was the uncertainty of your IQ being 51 or 50. In either case, your the first go...
@forever-9th So the answer is ,we move somewhere and we start winning. Wow,I wish I thought of that. How come the Club hasnt thought of it? I know, it...
@the-last-ronin So where does that leave us? Havent you been listening to all the clever people saying we should move to WA?We cant have two teams the...
@lestronge Are you nuts!!!! Have you been watching from another planet? O'Neil was allegedly fired by the Club for what could be described as unprofes...