Last seen: February 3, 2025 1:42 pm
@jedi-tiger no surprise really, he must be about 40 by now lol
@mike how does one “ ping” the server
@helmesy I wouldn’t be holding my breath getting a favourable result out of that meeting, Richo basically rammed what he wanted down their throats, ma...
@barra she would be more comfortable lurking in the shadows
@garry first sight of Romero must have done that
Off subject I know, but anyone else having log on problems with the other forum , thanks
@lorenzo remind me the last time Eels extended some goodwill toward us ?
@dirty-reds Sanders is not top 30
@jedi-tiger give eels what they have given us - nothing
@snake TT chosen in this weeks team so no immediate swap anyway, Dolphins win I’d say
@tigertownsfs don’t think cap money can be used to pay transfer fees
@avocadoontoast Brown
@salty peachy was on $375 k X 2 years
@lestronge It was said that Peachy applied to the NRL to have his WT contract reduced so as to go to Panthers
A poster is reporting Klemmer a done deal on the other forum.