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Wests Tigers Unite - for all Wests Tigers fans

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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@tigertownsfs The selection of debentures holders has a vigorous selection process 😹😹😹😹😹.

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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@tigertownsfs The only thing that needs to change is the governance of the HBG board that’s brought into the modern era not 1960 ‘s club administration, even if they ratify the independent board that’s not going to fix anything .. they have shown they have an agenda and the meddling while never stop .These individuals have to be removed from the board completely!l

This post was modified 2 months ago by Snake

Joel Helmes reacted
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FACT: At the end of the 2023 NRL season, the Holman Barnes Group commissioned an all-encompassing

review into the governance of Wests Tigers. We stand by the recommendations in that review, which were

adopted unanimously by the Board in December 2023. We believe that good governance is essential to the

running of Wests Tigers.


Doesn't read explicitly that they will implement every action 100% and in full


Top 8 2023

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Posted by: @helmesy

Posted by: @tigersteve

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

Our issue is that our club is owned by a faction. They are all magpies diehards. That’s all well and good if they are acting in a benevolent way to the actual Wests Tigers supporter base. Wr will let them have their VIP seats at our games, we will let them force our reserve grade team play in black and white at Lidcolme oval even though we have a NRL home game. But if their incompetence and small mindedness means that our NRL team is jeopardised then they will be exposed and turfed out.


Not any more! F*#% them. We'll be doing everything possible to ensure these geriatric fools don't get spoon fed another prawn in their lives. So sick of the self serving morons. No more. They are done


A good barometer is if you’ve got Steve upset you’ve probably gone too far! 🙂


I upset Steve all the time.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Mike reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @snake

@tigertownsfs The only thing that needs to change is the governance of the HBG board that’s brought into the modern era not 1960 ‘s club administration, even if they ratify the independent board that’s not going to fix anything .. they have shown they have an agenda and the meddling while never stop .These individuals have to be removed from the board completely!l

This is exactly the overreaching that had me not supporting the format of the existing petition. The only thing that really needs to happen is the full implementation of the review recommendations, which to my knowledge is just the appointment of the independent board members (including Chair). If this happens, the job is done and IMO it would be massive overreach and diluting the efforts of the pod guys and the original petition / review if the Wests Unite push on to continue to attempt to impact an organisation that is separate.


Its a serious consideration IMO. Reportedly Dept L & G are currently investigating and have been for over a month. According to the Chair of HBG (admittedly not explicitly) the final steps of the review recommendations are underway. What is next for Wests Unite? Where does it go from here?


Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posted by: @Anonymous

This is exactly the overreaching that had me not supporting the format of the existing petition. The only thing that really needs to happen is the full implementation of the review recommendations, which to my knowledge is just the appointment of the independent board members (including Chair). If this happens, the job is done and IMO it would be massive overreach and diluting the efforts of the pod guys and the original petition / review if the Wests Unite push on to continue to attempt to impact an organisation that is separate.

Actually the most important step is the constitutional change to the Wests Tigers that creates the seperation between the ownership group and the Wests Tigers, this could have been implemented months ago but is still outstanding.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Tigerlily, CanberraTiger, Joel Helmes and 2 people reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5247

Posted by: @Anonymous

Its a serious consideration IMO. Reportedly Dept L & G are currently investigating and have been for over a month. According to the Chair of HBG (admittedly not explicitly) the final steps of the review recommendations are underway. What is next for Wests Unite? Where does it go from here?

I would like an explicit statement on the recommendations being implemented in full and a timeline for that to happen.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

(@Anonymous 19)
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Posts: 3988

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @Anonymous

This is exactly the overreaching that had me not supporting the format of the existing petition. The only thing that really needs to happen is the full implementation of the review recommendations, which to my knowledge is just the appointment of the independent board members (including Chair). If this happens, the job is done and IMO it would be massive overreach and diluting the efforts of the pod guys and the original petition / review if the Wests Unite push on to continue to attempt to impact an organisation that is separate.

Actually the most important step is the constitutional change to the Wests Tigers that creates the seperation between the ownership group and the Wests Tigers, this could have been implemented months ago but is still outstanding.

Agree 100% and I presume that this is what Richo was talking about when he said it was on the lawyers desk.


(@Anonymous 19)
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Posts: 3988

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @Anonymous

Its a serious consideration IMO. Reportedly Dept L & G are currently investigating and have been for over a month. According to the Chair of HBG (admittedly not explicitly) the final steps of the review recommendations are underway. What is next for Wests Unite? Where does it go from here?

I would like an explicit statement on the recommendations being implemented in full and a timeline for that to happen.

Agree 100% and Romero isnt helping her case by not being explicit. It does make it sound conspiratorial. The fact that she has made this statement is a good sign. I actually dont see how she could ever think she could get away with any conspiratorial moves to block the review at this point.


This post was modified 2 months ago by Anonymous

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5247

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @Anonymous

Its a serious consideration IMO. Reportedly Dept L & G are currently investigating and have been for over a month. According to the Chair of HBG (admittedly not explicitly) the final steps of the review recommendations are underway. What is next for Wests Unite? Where does it go from here?

I would like an explicit statement on the recommendations being implemented in full and a timeline for that to happen.

Agree 100% and Romero isnt helping her case by not being explicit. It does make it sound conspiratorial. The fact that she has made this statement is a good sign. I actually dont see how she could ever think she could get away with any conspiratorial moves to block the review at this point.


I do agree, but why wouldn't you be explicit in that?



In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Posts: 1783

Full implementation of 100% review actions is an absolute must


  • Constitutional change
  • Independent board
  • Public release of report outlining all actions delivered


If we get a restructure of HBG board and governance process, that is cherry on top. Moving away from debenture could only help them perform better and be accountable to members.


And gives WT fans an avenue for influence

Top 8 2023

Wests Tigers Supporter
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Posts: 35

@tiger5150 unfortunately I think this is why the 3 board members were punted, because they were raising the exact concerns re the progress (rollback ??) of the review items. Particularly the independent wests Tigers board non progress. Their expulsion at this time based on recent ‘conflict’ with Romero block members identifies the challenges in progressing the review and the need for broader reform.

This post was modified 2 months ago by TigerTragic56

Joel Helmes and Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5163

Posted by: @tigertragic56

@tiger5150 unfortunately I think this is why the 3 board members were punted, because they were raising the exact concerns re the progress (rollback ??) of the review items. Particularly the independent wests Tigers board non progress. Their expulsion at this time based on recent ‘conflict’ with Romero block members identifies the challenges in progressing the review and the need for broader reform.

They had some control over the three dissenting voices at board level.

They have no control over me. Ban me for life, doesn’t matter, I’ll just watch the games on my TV.

This is a fight that is going to have to continue and that means we’re going to keep needing your support and encouragement if you believe in what we’re trying to do for Wests Tigers.


Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

Tigerlily, TigerTon and Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5163

Posted by: @snake

@tigertownsfs The selection of debentures holders has a vigorous selection process 😹😹😹😹😹.

And if you believe that you probably also still believe in the Easter bunny!


Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

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Posts: 35

@helmesy full support for this and the previous petition/review.

full steam ahead !! 

Joel Helmes and Mike reacted
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