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Wests Tigers Unite - for all Wests Tigers fans

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Posted by: @frullens

My question is what is the bar where the WT Unite team think it's acceptable to accept and lay down arms?


The L&G have already opened an investigation into HBG - tick

If HBG appoint independent directors (which they have said is coming shortly) and they would also need to complete constitutional change to carry that through - 

Is that the point of acceptance?


If not, what else do you need to see? (Ie review audit?)

And the next question should be,  is it worth the future disruption to the club if the overall media interest and public division has impact on WT as a club - be it CEO, future signings, resignings, general perceptions etc

We’re a long way from laying down arms in this fight. 

We’ll let you know when we do.


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Posted by: @mike

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @mike

@Tiger5150 for someone who doesn’t support the current moves and petition you certainly have a lot to say about it. 

Sorry Mike, should I just shut up and let the adults speak?


Alternatively, I care about the Wests Tigers (and this forum for that matter) as much as anyone else on this forum or anyone that signed the petition and have concerns about the terms of reference of the petition and the action behind it. That is the reason I have a lot to say about it.


Maybe Nick could change the title of this thread to Wests Tigers Unite - for approved Wests Tigers fans


But ill leave it to you.


If you don’t like it then don’t be part of it. Simple. 


Noted. Only consenting opinions welcome.

See you all at Leichhardt.


I have no problem with different opinions on how to achieve the goal of ensuring all the review recommendations are implemented with the resultant Wests Tigers Board being truly independent. I have a problem with opinions that don’t move the conversation forward and a stuck on certain ideological point. I get it. I heard you the first time. 


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Posted by: @helmesy

We’re a long way from laying down arms in this fight. 

We’ll let you know when we do.

What does that mean exactly Joel?

The 2nd petition has already achieved its purpose in having L&G investigate HBG - which I remember a Unite release saying you'll respect the outcome of that process. 


If constitutional change and a new independent board r established as per the review (which HBG has said is coming shortly) - that largely meets the stated objectives of Unite and the 2 petitions.


What else are you looking for? 

And is it stated in the petition?


please take these as I intend them  - as respectful, genuine and constructive questions

I'm just trying to better understand your views

This post was modified 1 month ago by Frullens

Top 8 2023

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Posted by: @garry

Constitutional change.

Thanks Garry 

From what I understand constitutional change and independent directors come as a package - as you can't have the independents with the constitutional change

It's that correct? 


Given HBG have publicly said be independent directors will be announced shortly - hopefully we can set the club up for success of the field just in time for success on the field

Top 8 2023

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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If we get 4 genuinely independent directors and a process to ensure that going forward these directors continue to be genuinely independent then I can’t see how that doesn’t complete the objective of what last years’s petition called for. Once you have a new constitution and majority independent board then things like the WT board organising their own external reviews periodically become a simple act of the WT board. The reason the original petition was to the HBG board was that they held the majority of seats on the WT board that was failing in its duty to oversee the WT football club. That was the appropriate course of action because that was the only way supporters could spill the old board and kick out Lee and Pascoe. Once the WT board is majority independent then we have to assume that it will be run professionally (Lee in my view was able to leverage the split on the board to get his position in the first place). My question now is who gets final say on selecting the 4 independents because I do no trust Burgess and Romero at all. If there are 4 independents that Barry are happy with then that is good enough for me. Others might have their own views but extracting Burgess and Romero from HBG is not really what interests me assuming the constitutional changes are made. For better or worse they lead HBG and whilst it would be great for HBG if there were more capable people leading it, I think the risk to the WT operation will be passed once the constitutional changes are made. 

Frullens reacted
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Posted by: @tigertownsfs

If we get 4 genuinely independent directors and a process to ensure that going forward these directors continue to be genuinely independent then I can’t see how that doesn’t complete the objective of what last years’s petition called for. Once you have a new constitution and majority independent board then things like the WT board organising their own external reviews periodically become a simple act of the WT board. The reason the original petition was to the HBG board was that they held the majority of seats on the WT board that was failing in its duty to oversee the WT football club. That was the appropriate course of action because that was the only way supporters could spill the old board and kick out Lee and Pascoe. Once the WT board is majority independent then we have to assume that it will be run professionally (Lee in my view was able to leverage the split on the board to get his position in the first place). My question now is who gets final say on selecting the 4 independents because I do no trust Burgess and Romero at all. If there are 4 independents that Barry are happy with then that is good enough for me. Others might have their own views but extracting Burgess and Romero from HBG is not really what interests me assuming the constitutional changes are made. For better or worse they lead HBG and whilst it would be great for HBG if there were more capable people leading it, I think the risk to the WT operation will be passed once the constitutional changes are made. 

The independent directors are appointed by the HBG after the recommendations of the external recruitment agency.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

jirskyr reacted
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I think it's reasonable that HBG as the majority owner select independents guided by recruitment agency. 

Given Barry has had to apply, he isn't in a position to select. 

Richo can't do it as CEO


So it has to be HBG 


Which is why I think it's important we try to maintain a good and respectful relationship as fans with HBG - even after independents are in, they'll still be our majority owner - and we should have the objective to UNITE all parties who love Wests Tigers 

Top 8 2023

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@frullens your a better man than me if you are confident that the HBG board members would make decisions in the best interests of Wests Tigers rather than themselves, in selecting Wests Tigers board members.

Joel Helmes, Snake and Mike reacted
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I'm not necessarily confident in them 

But from a governance perspective - they are the majority owners - that would be their role

As I said, Barry or Richo can't do it 

From memory, the NRL selected our independents at one stage (Marina Go & Co) and that wasn't the silver bullet either


At the end of the day HBG are the owners 

We are asking them to implement the review in full (i.e appoint independent directors and enact constitutional change) 

If they do that - I'm happy


a seperate L&G review is underway into the governance of HBG - I'm happy with whatever findings that produces, particularly if it makes for a more contemporary and democratic governance structure


Ultimately HBG are our majority owners - even under a new constitution 

If people don't like that situation, then I guess you're arguing for new owners - which is different to the two petitions I've signed

Top 8 2023

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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if you want believe that all will be fine when the 2 HBG directors appoint independent directors ( how independent?) go right ahead .HBG have made there intentions clear stonewalling the review for 12 months ! They are now being pressured into making a decision one way or the other , removing directors that thought the review was the right time to move forward is another indication of there agenda(these three were also part  of a mediocre board for years )This situation will not be resolved any time soon ,  there is a long long way to go .

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Let's look at it another way:


  • The recruitment company has been appointed and presumably interviewed and shortlisted the best candidates for selection
  • HBG are using the same recruitment company that WT were going to use
  • You'd think the best and brightest candidates that love WT, would be applying for this process. 
  • And you'd hope nobody who you pick from the vetted list, WT board would be in a better position than currently or anytime is the past


Now we have 2 options:


1. Let the current HBG board (yes I know it's not ideal) select from this vetted pool. Get on with an independent board, constitutional change and moving WT forward. (While HBG deal with it's governance issues through L&G)


2. Delay the selection process, until L&G review is complete, HBG respond as needed, a full board is filled.

Let's assume this takes 6-12 months

By this time, the best candidates have pulled out. We have not given any confidence for new candidates. The interim WT board with 2 HBG reps continues. 


Which is the better option?

Top 8 2023

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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We can’t escaped the fact that HBG and Balmain own the club. We have to live within those parameters. It will be quite obvious whether the 4 directors are fit for purpose and independent or HBG hacks. If they are hacks then expect Barry to resign his position with Richo to follow closely behind. I still think the odds favour Romero and Burgess folding back to a position that they maintain their position whilst allowing the WT board changes to proceed but it is a fine balance at this point. The 2nd petition has turned the heat right up on Romero and Co and is tipping the balance in our favour but nothing can be taken for granted. This will all come to a head before the trials (or expect mass demonstrations at LO). 

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Wests Tigers Unite
For ALL Wests Tigers Fans
Press Release
7th January 2025
Wests Tigers Unite Welcomes the announcement that Independent Directors will be appointed this month.


Wests Tigers Unite would like to officially recognise and thank Shane Richardson, Barry O’Farrell, Julie Romero and Simon Cook for their open and clarifying statements via the Behind The Roar podcast. It is both gratifying and refreshing to openly see Wests Tigers and HBG representatives working together for the betterment of Wests Tigers.


We look forward with anticipation and hope, to the independent directors being appointed at the end of the month and the constitutional change that will go along with that as recommended by the Crawford-Barnier report. We also anticipate and look forward to the constitutional change necessary that will support independent directorship at Wests Tigers.


We, at Wests Tigers Unite are committed to ensuring the long-term success of Wests Tigers in its current entity. We acknowledge that our campaign will reach its conclusion when an independent audit is completed, finding that the recommendations have from the Crawford-Barnier report have been implemented in full and that assurances have been given in writing that there will never be attempts to reinstate Western Suburbs Magpies or Balmain Tigers to the NRL again.




This post was modified 1 month ago by Garry

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 2166

Posted by: @garry

Wests Tigers Unite
For ALL Wests Tigers Fans
Press Release
7th January 2025
Wests Tigers Unite Welcomes the announcement that Independent Directors will be appointed this month.


Wests Tigers Unite would like to officially recognise and thank Shane Richardson, Barry O’Farrell, Julie Romero and Simon Cook for their open and clarifying statements via the Behind The Roar podcast. It is both gratifying and refreshing to openly see Wests Tigers and HBG representatives working together for the betterment of Wests Tigers.


We look forward with anticipation and hope, to the independent directors being appointed at the end of the month and the constitutional change that will go along with that as recommended by the Crawford-Barnier report. We also anticipate and look forward to the constitutional change necessary that will support independent directorship at Wests Tigers.


We, at Wests Tigers Unite are committed to ensuring the long-term success of Wests Tigers in its current entity. We acknowledge that our campaign will reach its conclusion when an independent audit is completed, finding that the recommendations have from the Crawford-Barnier report have been implemented in full and that assurances have been given in writing that there will never be attempts to reinstate Western Suburbs Magpies or Balmain Tigers to the NRL again.





I hope you get what you want Garry but I’m not sure HBG will submit to another audit. The fact that todays BTR happened is a testament to the great work WTU has done and I’m now 90% convinced what the constitutional change will happen thanks to the work that has been done by the team. That will be as much as I can hope for and absent a new ownership structure altogether (fan ownership ala the Greenbay packers) then ownership has to sit with someone who isn’t going to sell us to the highest bidder. HBG is rich and the stable and the old magpies factions will eventually age out of place and so this might be as good as it gets.




Mike reacted
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