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[Sticky] Wests Tigers admin/governance discussion

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 838

Can someone post the Benny/Richo story? I saw the headline but it's behind a paywall. 

(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @Anonymous

While HBG is in charge we will never, ever be successful, and will probably fold ultimately. The Tigers are an embarrassment to the NRL.

The actions of Tony Adreacchio & Simon Cook gave me hope, but it appears that the worst elements of the HBG group, presumably the ones most responsible for the decline have won power again.

Joel Helmes reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @tigertownsfs

Ok fantasy football time: NRL refuses to offer HBG a new NRL license due to gross incompetence and instead award the Wests Tigers franchise to a new joint venture between Balmain and Wests Campbelltown. The new JV is a genuine 50/50 partnership with 50% of the games played out of LO and 50% played out of CSS. Wests Tigers play as a united club in the NRL, Nsw cup and the new National Youth Competition under the Wests Tigers united brand and become a powerhouse with the junior nursery in Campbelltown providing a steady conveyor belt of junior talent whilst the Balmain faction, backed by a giant perpetual grant from the Harry Trigaboff Family Trust run the football operations from Concord. Wests Tigers alter the colour of their jersey’s to a gold orange rather than burnt orange and Wests Ashfield Magpies retreat to NSW cup where they enjoy Saturday afternoons at Lidcome Oval watching their beloved Magpies lose to Newtown Jets before returning home for a nap on their leather recliner infront of the 7pm ABC news bulletin 

anything run by Balmain & Wests Campbelltown would be a bigger basket case than one run by HBG.


Wests Tigers Development Player
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Danny Stapleton has come out on DT and said he has contacted all balmain board and all are rock solid behind HBG wests Magpies and wests tigers 

Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4475

Well it’s abundantly clear Balmain would be dead without Wests, and as we can see how useless Wests are.

Wests Tigers Supporter
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Posts: 50

 😤 Who are these idiots trying to destabilise the club.
I’m sick of this Balmain / Wests stuff.

These dinosaurs need to rack off back under the rock they crawled from. 

We are finally getting to see some light for next year, then you have this clown coming out stirring up trouble.



Tigerlily, Joel Helmes, TigerTon and 1 people reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2188

The glaring truth is that association with both either foundation club brings toxic nostalgia and means our Board is stacked with geriatric losers. They need to sell the club to a new owner, offer a board seat to each of the foundation clubs and then run this club like a business. We don’t need these losers.

Criz, Tigerlily, Joel Helmes and 2 people reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 564

@tiger5150 And, any Balmain takeover would probably involve having Benny Elias in some position of authority. I can think of nothing worse than that.

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2188

listened todays pod. I’m sorry guys but I have grave reservations that calls for a review of HBG governance will succeed. The WT review was successful because Andriachio made the call and rammed it through as Chair of HBG. For his troubles he was rolled by the other HBG troglodytes at their AGM 6 months later. hBG is now run by the wife of an old Wests Ashfield head kicker as a front for Burgess and Co. HBG is completely impervious to outside pressure and our unaccountable to anyone. Barry O’Farrell has been chairman for 2 x 6 month stretches, in the first he got millions for the COE and in the second millions for LO but he needs to reapply for his job? Meanwhile the weirdo with the wig gets placed back on the board. A “skills matrix” is not worth the paper it is written on. IMHO the only pressure that will work will be on individuals at HBG, making their roles untenable. I’ll sign for petition but this foe is going to be much much harder to beat than Chairman Lee. These people don’t care about you or me, they care about the possession and exercise of power and they don’t give a stuff about who they hurt or what they destroy. Burgess and Ramone need to be your targets.

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2188

The club needs to be sold. It doesn’t have to be sold in a dangerous way, it can be sold in a way that protects home grounds/colours/heritage but it is beyond ridiculous that Wests Ashfield and the 20 geriatrics that run it are in control of a professional sports club. They should sell the club to private interests and retain minority ownership and board representation. The NRL perpetual license that is being negotiated at the moment is worth tens of millions of dollars and this money would be better off used by WA to support their members.

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4475

HBG start by getting Wests Tigers in ALL grades

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1348

I think Gary is right, all this drama can be put behind us if Romero would come out and address the situation, confirm the implementation of the review findings & clarify the O’farrell situation & the matrix in terms of other Board members. 

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 1348

Posted by: @russtutty63

I think Gary is right, all this drama can be put behind us if Romero would come out and address the situation, confirm the implementation of the review findings & clarify the O’farrell situation & the matrix in terms of other Board members. 

If we hear nothing & the situation drags on post season then we do something about it. Let’s be even stronger in demanding change if that’s what’s needed. March on the club if we have to. I don’t mind a good protest, I’ll even handcuff myself to the club, no probs, just don’t ask where I got the cuffs, that’s private.  But let’s see what happens next few weeks first. 


This post was modified 6 months ago by Russtutty63

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Magpies Harold Matts
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Posts: 203

There is no one more Balmain than me. Family lived in Rozelle for over 100 years. I went to school there. I also was there the night we sold the Balmain Leagues Club. What a shit show that was. I have absolutely no faith in the Balmain Camp and hoped that the merger would bring the best of both Clubs. It has brought the worst of both Clubs which was always predictable. Self Interest will always beat common sense and whats for the Greater Good. Im so pissed off with this that even I would march on the Club (minus the cuffs). Maybe a bit of vocal action at the next game might be in order. Im ready to rumble......

Joel Helmes reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 460

i dont know enough about the politics at club level, however could the commentary from the Balmain representative about having no trust in the HBG and wanting to split, be directly related to the non-implementation of the review findings and the commentary around Barry O'farrell? surely he doesn't think he can successfully split the club, is this purely to draw attention to and put some pressure on the NRL to step in with HBG?

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