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[Sticky] Wests Tigers admin/governance discussion

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5153

Posted by: @frullens

Posted by: @jedi-tiger

Difference here is this would be a permanent roof apparently

Yeah the sports minister said it would be permanent

But the Vegas stadium has the ability to roll out the grass field to get direct sun.

Would there be an issue with a permanent roof and grass?

Thats a good question - can you have real turf in an enclosed arena?

Re foreign ownership opportunities, we need to aim bigger, why not even much bigger, than being a suburban football club. To me, that’s just as scary as someone coming in and turbocharging everything we do. 


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Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Unless you are going to swap out the turf every couple of weeks you would need a retractable roof, that's why retrofitting a fixed roof on a stadium is not a viable option. Allegiant have a field that slides outside between games...not sure how you could possibly retrofit that in a stadium already built. My view is that as long as you can have a large percentage of the crowd undercover than that's good enough, the variable conditions actually bring some excitement to the game. 

re foreign or private ownership...I don't mind it if it is a professional sports organization and the reality is if we did somehow crack the US market it is inevitable. 

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2190

If there was any foreign investment in franchises it would reveal that the value of this is very high. You are not going to be selling your franchise for less than $50m

(@Anonymous 19)
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Posts: 3988

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

If there was any foreign investment in franchises it would reveal that the value of this is very high. You are not going to be selling your franchise for less than $50m

Which is exactly why foreign ownership hasnt happened and private ownership isnt widespread in the NRL. NRL clubs barely break even and it would take a long time to recoup $50M


Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

If there was any foreign investment in franchises it would reveal that the value of this is very high. You are not going to be selling your franchise for less than $50m

Which is exactly why foreign ownership hasnt happened and private ownership isnt widespread in the NRL. NRL clubs barely break even and it would take a long time to recoup $50M


these things aren’t bonds or term deposits. They are NFTs that only increase in value. There will only ever be about 20 NRL teams and their scarcity will mean they are always going to be extremely valuable


(@Anonymous 19)
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Posts: 3988

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

If there was any foreign investment in franchises it would reveal that the value of this is very high. You are not going to be selling your franchise for less than $50m

Which is exactly why foreign ownership hasnt happened and private ownership isnt widespread in the NRL. NRL clubs barely break even and it would take a long time to recoup $50M


these things aren’t bonds or term deposits. They are NFTs that only increase in value. There will only ever be about 20 NRL teams and their scarcity will mean they are always going to be extremely valuable



you have said the word value twice, what is that value based on? Value only exists in a market. What market adds value without adding capital? Everything has a value and an NRL franchise isnt worth nothing, but as i said, when a club breaks even or loses money each year, it takes a LONG time to recoup the outlay and its market value would be indexed to that ROI.


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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If billionaires wanted to make more money- there's much safer bets than sports clubs.

I think the value for them is the experience, Cred, ego, connections they get by owner a sports club. More than any money they make from it.

Top 8 2023

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5247

Posted by: @frullens

If billionaires wanted to make more money- there's much safer bets than sports clubs.

I think the value for them is the experience, Cred, ego, connections they get by owner a sports club. More than any money they make from it.

How does that translate into US Billionaires buying into clubs?


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Just saying the 'value' isn't only profit/monetary or even the primary factor

It's why the current billionaire owners of NRL clubs are actual fans of their club and the sport

I don't see overseas buyers coming in, until we position the NRL better as being the worlds 'premier Rugby' competition 

Top 8 2023

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 2190

supporting a team is a hobby. Whilst I might buy a jersey or membership to show my support, a multi millionaire or billionaire  will buy ownership. The are more very rich people that want to own sports franchises then there are teams to buy, hence the price to buy is high and rising into perpetuity.

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2190

Saying a NRL franchise isn’t worth anything because they don’t make any money is like saying owning Sydney property because the rental yield is low. The price of an asset is partly related to its yield (earnings) and partly a call option on the price of the asset rising. This is why Sydney housing is rising despite rental yield being negative.

Joel Helmes reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Posts: 3988

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

Saying a NRL franchise isn’t worth anything because they don’t make any money is like saying owning Sydney property because the rental yield is low. The price of an asset is partly related to its yield (earnings) and partly a call option on the price of the asset rising. This is why Sydney housing is rising despite rental yield being negative.


What is the capital gain on an NRL Franchise?


Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2190

@tiger5150 when you buy it for X and sell it for 2X. Russel Crowe for example bought south’s for a couple of million and sold parts of it to Packer and the Atlassian bloke (both billionaires) for multiples. Sports entertainment is a giant business these days. It’s basically the only thing that rates on FTA tv. The next TV deal will be massive. I would guess to own Wests Tigers outright (and do with as you please) would be $50m+.

Barra reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4482

looks like Fab has walked from the club and Allied express in its place. 

Wests Magpies Harold Matts
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 172

I dont Trust the Numbers being given.

Pascoe over inflated the Members numbers and probably undersold the Back of Jersey to FAB,

Richo is smart and will probably have a New and better Sponsor lined up.

Mike reacted
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