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Wests Tigers admin/governance discussion

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 363

I don’t think it’s all sweetness and light as Richo describes, rather he and Barry are good snooker players and have used the situation to get HBG to commit to implement the review recommendations in a public way. I’m glad I signed both petitions, because there’s no doubt in my mind that HBG were dragging the chain on this. I look forward to hearing who the WT board members will be and their skill set.

Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4731

Posted by: @mac_tiger

I don’t think it’s all sweetness and light as Richo describes, rather he and Barry are good snooker players and have used the situation to get HBG to commit to implement the review recommendations in a public way. I’m glad I signed both petitions, because there’s no doubt in my mind that HBG were dragging the chain on this. I look forward to hearing who the WT board members will be and their skill set.

I agree 💯 


Junior Pathways
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 104

I’m sure we all have WT well-fare at heart but …..

As I said many times …. there are people in the media which continually drive damaging agendas about our club and at every opportunity use absolute print rubbish to undermine us at every turn.

This all started by a hack journalist with his nose out of joint because he was no longer getting inside information by the club and was on lookout for negative click bait.

Please try and not be led by such gutter journalism and misinformation …. they are not worth your time and effort.

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5247

@momo-amp-medo my efforts weren't based on media reports.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Magpies Harold Matts
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 258

I am not sure if Richo was giving Julie and Co a lesson in what the word Fact really means. His stated facts were delivered more like instructions to HBG board as the only path of action available to them. 

Richo and Barry looked way more comfortable and in control than the others. 

I think the end is near and its all good for Wests Tigers.

CanberraTiger, hsvjones, Joel Helmes and 4 people reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 984

I have one question why was it up to the Weststigers Ceo and Chairman to do that media sit down . The issue that we have is with HBG governance the main person was sitting on the panel and did not say a word .. what type of leadership is that to let others do the talking  that was a very poor performance .

Joel Helmes and Mike reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 475

Posted by: @snake

I have one question why was it up to the Weststigers Ceo and Chairman to do that media sit down . The issue that we have is with HBG governance the main person was sitting on the panel and did not say a word .. what type of leadership is that to let others do the talking  that was a very poor performance .

I imagine she is in a precarious position trying to pander to various groups in order to continue to have their support. She also knows that there is probably evidence that she has slow walked or even tried to reverse the implementation of the review findings, so was very careful about what she said. To me she looks like a leader with a very weak hold on her position. Keeping punters hypnotised and feeding their hard earned into a box with flashing lights is a pretty cushy gig.

Richo and Barry were very direct and have pushed Julie and Rick into a corner after that show.


Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5247

Posted by: @snake

I have one question why was it up to the Weststigers Ceo and Chairman to do that media sit down . The issue that we have is with HBG governance the main person was sitting on the panel and did not say a word .. what type of leadership is that to let others do the talking  that was a very poor performance .

It was dreadful,  they are being dragged to the right outcome. 


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Mike reacted
Wests Magpies Harold Matts
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 203

Come on Guys settle down. No other Club has a Chair of its Parent that can talk like that. The only thing I would have liked, was to see the Table or even the Back Wall given a chance to comment. 

Mike and Garry reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2192

Richo (epically experienced CEO) and Barry (premier and high commissioner) look in complete control. Exactly how we want it.

CanberraTiger, flantastic, TigerTon and 3 people reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 567

Posted by: @momo-amp-medo

I’m sure we all have WT well-fare at heart but …..

As I said many times …. there are people in the media which continually drive damaging agendas about our club and at every opportunity use absolute print rubbish to undermine us at every turn.

This all started by a hack journalist with his nose out of joint because he was no longer getting inside information by the club and was on lookout for negative click bait.

Please try and not be led by such gutter journalism and misinformation …. they are not worth your time and effort.

So name the hack journalist then.


Wests Tigers Supporter
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Posts: 6

@garry dragged is fine. The outcome is what matters. The unite movement was an attempt to drag them.

Junior Pathways
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Posts: 104

Junior Pathways
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 95

Just want to say a big thanks to Gary, Joel and anyone else involved in Wests Tigers Unite. Without your involvement over this last month I doubt today and the finalisation of the review hopefully this month would ever have occurred. Now HBG may not be reformed but as long as Wests Tigers gets an independent board and the conditions are locked in then I think that is a much better position. Well done. 

TigerTownSFS, Joel Helmes, CanberraTiger and 2 people reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5247

Posted by: @boonboon

Now HBG may not be reformed but as long as Wests Tigers gets an independent board and the conditions are locked in then I think that is a much better position. Well done. 

My thoughts exactly mate, we can go back to arguing with Eddie over Bula.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

flantastic, Mike, TGRZMN and 1 people reacted
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