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Ask The Boss - Scott Fulton and Pascoe are interviewed on major topics surrounding the club

Balmain Tigers SG Ball Moderator
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Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Very interesting

Credit to the club for changing the format so the boss isn't asking himself questions.

Didn't address why Sheens has been moved on completely from club and not returned to GM as originally planned.

Did address some of the other issues - but it did seem to me that the newspaper articles against JP were more of a concern to him than the fundamental concerns of members and fans.

Spent the first 30mins defending his wine lunch in NZ - and didn't mention Sheens leaving at all?

Top 8 2023

Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Posts: 1783

The other concern was the discussion around recruitment and retention.

Fulton said he would call JP and Danny and then mention Benji last. Why call JP to discuss potential recruits? Definitely missing a GM football


The make-up of the committe is JP, CFO, Fulton, Danny & Benji.

Too many administrators in there and not enough football nous.

If we are a development club where is the views from our pathways? Shouldn't Betesy, Kimmorely, Or Lambkin be in there to discuss who's coming through?

Top 8 2023

Kenny4517, Mike and Anonymous reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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It was good to hear JP acknowledge the club needs to put the right support in around Benji across all aspects of the club. 

My question is though,  we had a transition plan and knew Benji would be in this position.

Why didn't we have that support already at the club?

Top 8 2023

Mike reacted
(@Anonymous 9)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3247

Posted by: @frullens

Very interesting

Credit to the club for changing the format so the boss isn't asking himself questions.

Didn't address why Sheens has been moved on completely from club and not returned to GM as originally planned.

Did address some of the other issues - but it did seem to me that the newspaper articles against JP were more of a concern to him than the fundamental concerns of members and fans.

Spent the first 30mins defending his wine lunch in NZ - and didn't mention Sheens leaving at all?


I thought Fulton was pretty good and quite interesting. Pascoe just spent the whole time defending himself. If it was just Fulton it would have been a really interesting episode


Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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I liked the episode. I thought Fulton sounded knowledgeable and keen for success. I don’t think Benji and him have to be best mates, they just need to be able to respect each other 

Tigerlily reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Posts: 3988

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @frullens

Very interesting

Credit to the club for changing the format so the boss isn't asking himself questions.

Didn't address why Sheens has been moved on completely from club and not returned to GM as originally planned.

Did address some of the other issues - but it did seem to me that the newspaper articles against JP were more of a concern to him than the fundamental concerns of members and fans.

Spent the first 30mins defending his wine lunch in NZ - and didn't mention Sheens leaving at all?


I thought Fulton was pretty good and quite interesting. Pascoe just spent the whole time defending himself. If it was just Fulton it would have been a really interesting episode



Speaks exactly like his dad, very similar attitude. I liked, understood and agreed with Fultons point about "who cares what anyone says from outside?", but at that point I would have liked Pascoe to have pointed out that they care about fans.


GroveTiger and Mike reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

MUCH better format with Chris Warren hosting it. Some good insight into recent media storms. I have a massive problem with the method that it happened but do I do have a gut feel that the Fulton recruitment system will be more professional than a McDonnell regime. Could be completely wrong but there does seem to be a more professional vibe around the place and decisions like getting Morris in reinforce it.

Frullens and Tigerlily reacted
Wests Magpies Harold Matts
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Posts: 307

I didn't mind it.

The funny thing about these segments is if you actually hear the people involved explain their side to the media rumours, it all seems pretty plausible/sensible and you realise the media come across pretty pathetic. Like why did Pascoe skip the CEOs meeting - because he was lobbying the pollies about home ground funding. 

Of course they spin stuff to aid their own narrative, it's just that so many comments from fans and pundits arise without ever actually hearing from the parties involved, only based on what they've heard about those parties. I always said the same thing myself after meeting Pascoe - I don't actually know whether or not he's good at his job, I have no inside knowledge to form an opinion, but I can tell you for sure he's no moron.

It's also interesting that neither Pascoe or Fulton seem to care what the media says, seems to be polar opposite of Chairman Lee. I seriously wonder if fans care far far more about the media say, are more reactive to it, than the actual targets of the rumours. E.g. this BBQ thing, why anyone cares or gets annoyed is beyond my comprehension. I literally would not have thought about it more than once, at the match itself, if people weren't still making a deal about it a week later.

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 652

@jirskyr I personally hate the media talk because it influences player retention , recruitment , welfare . It adds undue stress to people , whether Pascoe admits it or not. 
Put simply , you could play here , or you could play at Melbourne with no media . Which of course means less commercial and marketing opportunities , but for mental health geez it’s not even a thing. And that’s not even taking into account on field success. 
I think a lot of this hate is legacy as well from older media types , who we may have shown contempt to when we were successful . Ala Buzz Rothfield . Pooper has been shunned by the club, so he has an axe to grind , I feel Anasta , is more impartial now his mate his in charge . Kent had an eels agenda , and the big thing is they’re all friends with Flanno , I think Crawley and a couple others actually go for the dragons so they’re not getting any hate either . 
Plus the big thing is it absolutely drives viewership and content , because we honestly , genuinely , are top 3 biggest clubs in the game, in regards to eyeballs and fans . 
If we ever do get powerful , like roosters powerful, I think there’s going to be some people looking over thier shoulder . And I think they know it . 
Will Kent be back ? Or does the morally bankrupt Evilcorp draw the line at domestic violence ? 

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 652

I have to say I had a huge issue with the lack of double headers at LO with the WNRL team. I thought the crowd would pack out early , and the girls would get the buzz of a real tigers crowd . and thought the lack of double headers was disgusting mismanagement. 
I have to apologise for this opinion, as it never ever occurred to me that the reason for this was a practical lack of facilities . 
What I genuinely don’t understand about LO , is the amount of sport that’s played there on regular . 
There’s a league games occasionally , it’s used for the World Cup as a training facility , Waratahs games , GPS games , Australian cup football matches , KOE scup matches , and so on . 
I’ve never seen a ground get used so regularly for actual sporting events , and have such piss poor facilities . 
Yet Penrith , who literally have maybe max 2 sports events a week there , at best , gets the upgrade . 
Brookvale I understand as it services a huge corridor by itself , and there isn’t another facility , apart from north Sydney oval anywhere near it . 
Even things like music events , or other events needing a ground  , can’t use it because of the piss poor facilities . And they would jump at the chance to use LO instead of some of these other venues , that lack the acoustics that LO naturally offers . 
As for Campbelltown , well that’s a disgrace it not getting an. Upgrade . There’s literally 2 professional sports teams who play out of it. Exactly the same as comm bank . 

(@Anonymous 79)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1586

I’m sorry guys but I think we have to address the elephant in the room here. But is our CEO going to be cooking some chicken with 11 herbs and spices after this panel show. Seriously Justin !! Grow a goatie please 😜😂😅

Im sorry I just can’t watch anything with him involved. I got 2 minutes in and pulled the pin.


Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4728

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @frullens

Very interesting

Credit to the club for changing the format so the boss isn't asking himself questions.

Didn't address why Sheens has been moved on completely from club and not returned to GM as originally planned.

Did address some of the other issues - but it did seem to me that the newspaper articles against JP were more of a concern to him than the fundamental concerns of members and fans.

Spent the first 30mins defending his wine lunch in NZ - and didn't mention Sheens leaving at all?


I thought Fulton was pretty good and quite interesting. Pascoe just spent the whole time defending himself. If it was just Fulton it would have been a really interesting episode



Speaks exactly like his dad, very similar attitude. I liked, understood and agreed with Fultons point about "who cares what anyone says from outside?", but at that point I would have liked Pascoe to have pointed out that they care about fans.


The fans care…


Wests Tigers Development Player
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 4482

good format enjoyed listening to Fulton. However Scott the fans do care and the media until we start winning have the right to put the boot in tbh.
