Api thinks he scored but gone up no try
Api burrows into Twal. No try
Naden runs across field and slides out. Brain dead play
Lucky Newcastle drop the last pass.
Bula back on.
Bateman is going to get destroyed in defence in the 2nd half
Tigers penalty to get out of trouble
Been a pretty dumb half. Knights are there for the taking, though our right edge is going to hurt us with Bateman up against Best.
Bateman drops it cold
2 minutes left in this half. Knights on the attack
Gamble looks injured
Staines takes it dead. Will be about 35 seconds left from the drop out
Best almost goes out, throws the ball back in, knights shift, Gagai kicks and Knights score, right on half time
knights 8-6 at half time.
knights have had a lot of ball in our line.
We've been hot garbage since the Pap try. Errors compounding errors.
We've been hot garbage since the Pap try. Errors compounding errors.
only thing keeping us in it is that the knights have also been poor and blown some chances.