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Fun or Obscure Facts

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posted by: @tigersteve
Posted by: @garry
Posted by: @tigersteve
Posted by: @unhappy-tiger
Posted by: @tigersteve

Apparently only 36% of all statistics are accurate. The remaining 67% are not!

I thought those numbers were based on facts that Gary provided 

Garry is correct 16% of the time and incorrect 93% of the time. The 16% could be rounded down too 😂 

99% of people say Steve makes his stats up.

That is statistically incorrect

You must be bored on your trip away lol

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

TigerSteve reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posted by: @tigersteve
Posted by: @garry
Posted by: @tigersteve
Posted by: @unhappy-tiger
Posted by: @tigersteve

Apparently only 36% of all statistics are accurate. The remaining 67% are not!

I thought those numbers were based on facts that Gary provided 

Garry is correct 16% of the time and incorrect 93% of the time. The 16% could be rounded down too 😂 

99% of people say Steve makes his stats up.

That is statistically incorrect

He is correct statistically if you remove anyone who is right handed , left handed or ambidextrous 

TigerSteve and Garry reacted
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The Eiffel Tower is 324 metres tall.

It weighs 10,100 metric tons.

It sits on a square base that is 125 metres on each side.

Each leg of the building rests on a concrete slab 6 metres thick.

Within the construction of this building there are 18,038 parts.

Holding these parts together are 2.5 million rivets.

The tower has been painted 19 times since it was constructed and each time it is painted it takes 60 tonnes of paint.  

It has 1,665 steps. 

20,000 light-bulbs illuminate the tower at night.

Each part of the building is made from Puddled Iron.

The density of Puddled Iron is 7.7 grams per cubic centimetre.

Puddled Iron has a melting point of 1540°C

Puddled Iron is made of a combination of 99% Iron, 0.05% Carbon, 0.01% Manganese, 0.02% Sulfur, 0.05% Phosphorus and 0.02% Silicon.

The chemical symbol for Iron is Fe.

Iron has a Molecular Weight of 55.84 grams per molecule

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Unhappy Tiger and Mike reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Happy was always unhappy..

TigerSteve and Mike reacted
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Posted by: @geo-2

Happy was always unhappy..

Does that mean unhappy will be happy?

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

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ref A Quadrillion Mainframes on Your Lap 

By 1961, a few universities around the world had bought IBM 7090 mainframes. The 7090 was the first line of all-transistor computers, and it cost US $20 million in today's money, or about 6,000 times as much as a top-of-the-line laptop today. Its early buyers typically deployed the computers as a shared resource for an entire campus. Very few users were fortunate enough to get as much as an hour of computer time per week.

The 7090 had a clock cycle of 2.18 microseconds, so the operating frequency was just under 500 kilohertz. But in those days, instructions were not pipelined, so most took more than one cycle to execute. Some integer arithmetic took up to 14 cycles, and a floating-point operation could hog up to 15. So the 7090 is generally estimated to have executed about 100,000 instructions per second. Most modern computer cores can operate at a sustained rate of 3 billion instructions per second, with much faster peak speeds. That is 30,000 times as fast, so a modern chip with four or eight cores is easily 100,000 times as fast.

Unlike the lucky person in 1961 who got an hour of computer time, you can run your laptop all the time, racking up more than 1,900 years of 7090 computer time every week. (Far be it from me to ask how many of those hours are spent on Minecraft.)

Continuing with this comparison, consider the number of instructions needed to train the popular natural-language AI model, GPT-3. Executing them on cloud servers took the equivalent of 355 years of laptop time, which translates to more than 36 million years on the 7090. You’d need a lot of coffee as you waited for that job to finish.

But, really, this comparison is unfair to today’s computers. Your laptop probably has 16 gigabytes of main memory. The 7090 maxed out at 144 kilobytes. To run the same program would require an awful lot of shuffling of data into and out of the 7090—and it would have to be done using magnetic tapes. The best tape drives in those days had maximum data-transfer rates of 60 KB per second. Although 12 tape units could be attached to a single 7090 computer, that rate needed to be shared among them. But such sharing would require that a group of human operators swap tapes on the drives; to read (or write) 16 GB of data this way would take three days. So data transfer, too, was slower by a factor of about 100,000 compared with today’s rate.

So now the 7090 looks to have run at about a quadrillionth (10-15) the speed of your 2021 laptop. A week of computing time on a modern laptop would take longer than the age of the universe on the 7090.

But wait, there’s more! Each core in your laptop has built-in SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) extensions that turbocharge floating-point arithmetic, used for vector operations. Not even a whiff of those on the 7090. And then there’s the GPU, originally used for graphics speedup, but now used for the bulk of AI learning such as in training GPT-3. And the latest iPhone chip, the A15 Bionic, has not one, but five GPUs, as well as a bonus neural engine that runs 15 trillion arithmetic operations per second on top of all the other comparisons we have made.

The difference in just 60 years is mind boggling. But I wonder, are we using all that computation effectively to make as much difference as our forebears did after the leap from pencil and paper to the 7090?


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Posted by: @garry
Posted by: @geo-2

Happy was always unhappy..

Does that mean unhappy will be happy?

Unraveling the mystery….

Garry reacted
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Unhappy Tiger from what I have heard is far more positive than this happy I have heard spoken about

Maybe that happy bloke's counterparts were the cause of his anger ...we can only speculate though 

I don't know why but I feel you could be an easy target ...probably a Brooks lover 



Mike, Garry, Geo and 1 people reacted
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Male Reindeer shed their antlers every winter. Only pregnant female reindeer retain their antlers in winter. Therefore Santa's Reindeer are all pregnant female Reindeer.

(@Anonymous 77)
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The brand name Spam is a combination of “spiced” and “ham”.




Mike reacted
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Posted by: @tigerlily

The brand name Spam is a combination of “spiced” and “ham”.




Should have been named ‘sheat’ then. Think about it…

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Dinosaur were living on earth before Saturn got its rings. 

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posted by: @mike

Dinosaur were living on earth before Saturn got its rings. 

What about Uranus? 

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

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The first entirely computer generated movie sequence in cinema history was the Genesis Device demonstration video in the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The studio that made the scene would later become Pixar.

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It's 22/2/22 2:22

The two's have it....

Edit: It’s Twosday!!!!

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