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In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 558

My passion other than being a Wests Tigers tragic is doing genealogy.

When I'm healthy enough it's not uncommon to see me walking around Cemetaries paying my respects and gathering ancestors info.

If anyone wants to know how to do their family history just let me know and I'll help. I can assist with providing free resources to get you started.

One thing that might interest you is ANZAC Day is nearing and there is an easy way to get your ancestors service records that might make the day a little bit more personal for you.

Tigerlily and Frullens reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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I'm into permaculture gardening.

Just in the process of setting up a large no-dig veggie patch and a separate orchard at our new house in the forest on the Yarra Valley down here in Melbourne.

I particularly got into it after our eldest son was diagnosed with Autism and we realised the connection between  autism and gut health. 

Permaculture has a big focus on soil health feeding all the microrganisms and fungi which live in healthy soil, these in turn feed your gut microbiom and has a huge impact on the full range of health benefit/issues


Top 8 2023

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 554

Posted by: @frullens

I'm into permaculture gardening.

Just in the process of setting up a large no-dig veggie patch and a separate orchard at our new house in the forest on the Yarra Valley down here in Melbourne.

I particularly got into it after our eldest son was diagnosed with Autism and we realised the connection between  autism and gut health. 

Permaculture has a big focus on soil health feeding all the microrganisms and fungi which live in healthy soil, these in turn feed your gut microbiom and has a huge impact on the full range of health benefit/issues


Have you got any websites/resources about how to get started?? I've been thinking about having a look


Crowsnest reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 558

Wow, how cool is that.

Sad to hear that about your son though...hope things improve somewhat.

Gardening, one of man's oldest professions. Who would think that poo is good, well some poo is 🤣

I was curious to read a warning on the grape packet the other day that the grapes may contain (I think from memory) copper sulphate...something like that, probably a pesticide??

I read that Traces of 122 different pesticides were used in the top12 most polluted fruit and veg products, many have links to cancer and other serious health issues. That's some cocktail of crap.

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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There's a bunch of info out there - probably too much. Some focus on the theory, as permaculture is a whole way of living, and some on the more practical gardening. It's good to dive into a bit of both when you're getting started. 

There's a tonne of books, but to get started it's much more engaging to use YouTube and podcasts. 

The big names are:

Bill Mollison

David Holmgren

Geoff Lawton

Charles Dowding 

Joel Salatan

Among others

Happen Films have some really good films on YouTube. 

Top 8 2023

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 554

Posted by: @frullens


There's a bunch of info out there - probably too much. Some focus on the theory, as permaculture is a whole way of living, and some on the more practical gardening. It's good to dive into a bit of both when you're getting started. 

There's a tonne of books, but to get started it's much more engaging to use YouTube and podcasts. 

The big names are:

Bill Mollison

David Holmgren

Geoff Lawton

Charles Dowding 

Joel Salatan

Among others

Happen Films have some really good films on YouTube. 

Thanks, mate!

I just found a company that can come around to your house and make recommendations as well. I'll have a look at the names you mentioned 


Crowsnest reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 652

@frullens what connection between autism and gut health ?

edit; how do you get your son to eat anything they don’t want to eat ? My son will literally starve himself rather than eat anything not on the approved list . Which is subject to change at a moments notice . 
It’s been a minor miracle in the last 6 months that he talks about being open to the idea of new foods . We just introduced Pad Thai into his diet . 
Still no veggies . Won’t even eat a pea on his plate for 100 dollars/ trip to jbhifi

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 558

Posted by: @lestronge

My son will literally starve himself rather than eat anything not on the approved list .

  Do you mind if you tell me if he's a younster?

I have Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) among other things and unfortunately my son, now close to 40 has an attention deficit disorder, ADHD. My OCD get me into trouble a lot 🤣.

The specialists have me on a healthy diet also because it helps believe me. (I had OCD well before my accident 20yrs ago that caused brain bruising, long story)

We were close to breaking point with my son growing up. He put his fist thru his bedroom door as a kid which forced me to seek medical help. The first thing the councillor told me was to observe his reaction to certain foods.

I discovered that anything that contained sugar set him off. He responded well to wholesome foods like heaps of fresh fruit, vegetables and grains.

The main success came from The behavorial therapy though which basically meant replacing negative behaviors/thoughts with positive ones. (positive reinforcement) Telling him no all the time doesn't work but praising him for doing good things worked.

He still, at his age gets aggitated but he can manage it. His wife is a naturopath (spelling?)

We are what we eat 👍


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 652

@crowsnest yea he’s pre teen . ADHD and high functioning spectrum . 
We follow all the rules around foods he doesn’t like eg. Putting 1-2 peas on his plate , a grape with his cereal , smoothies , hiding it in foods he does like. It just doesn’t work .
We have had to give him iron sometimes because of how low in nutrients he is . 
It’s a bit strange for us , because of the amount of fresh fruit and veggies in our house . 
As far as I know , every kid just about like himself , has a similar diet , with limited colour . 
We had a real bad Paediatrician, prescribe the wrong medication and basically turned him into a zombie . So he’s been off meds since Covid . It’s taken 2-3 years to get in with a recommended Psychiatrist/ Paediatrician.  We have had to bite the bullet and return to that quack . 
There’s a huge shortage in mental health practitioners in NSW . Only made worse by Covid and all the dramas that caused. 
Anyways he’s a great kid , he’s always running either at a 4 or balls to the wall at a 9 or ten . I can see him being a comedian or something when he’s older . He reminds me of Robin Williams , in how funny and manic he is . 
His diet is just the worst . And we all know how much a good one would help him . Hopefully age/maturity in general and maturity in his taste buds will help with this . 

Frullens reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 558

@lestronge   Wow this all sounds very familiar.

It's a battle that I fully understand your situation and frustration.

There were so many times when my boy was at his worst and seriously I felt like losing it. Our counsellor told us to put some nice photos of him as a baby or when he was doing something cute to look at and bring me back to earth. Sometimes I lost that special father son connection but I never waivered enough to stop loving him.

I learnt that hus major oroblem was boredom and he had a high IQ. The best way to calm him down was to go for a walk. Even a walk was sometimes nerve wrecking 🤣

I wish I new back then what I/we know now regarding diet.

Anyways, fight the good fight, never stop loving him and some day it will get better.

To look at my boy now you wouldn't even know that this man used to punch holes in walls and scrape cars as a kid.

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Posts: 1783

Sending my love to you both Crowy and Lestronge.

I've really appreciated you both opening up onn your experiences with your sons as it really resonates with me.

Our eldest is 10yo and on the Spectrum and intellectual disability - he was higher functioning when he was little, then at 3yo we was prescribed  asthma preventer - singulair, which we we later found out has some very bad side effects, and he regressed big time.

We then got him to a really good space through a clean diet and therapy- but then at start of covid he got chronically constipated and no can longer talk and can now gets very aggressive and has regressed again.

We've had to move house 6 months ago as his autism school said they cant meet his needs. But we are now got to a good space again, the new school is get,  he's much calmer, clearer and happier and hoping he can find himself.

My wife has hqd a big focus on gut health from day 1 and we see a great clinic - they do stool, blood tests etc and give him heaps of supplements and vitmins. Weve tried all the diets - GAPS is apparently the best one. We are now just doing organic fatty meats, vegetables and fruits - we've eliminated all grains - which is essentially GAPS but without the broth and that's too hard to get him to eat.

The school have often said he's the healthiest eater at school, as I know most kids on the Spectrum have a yellow diet of mostly bread and pasta etc.

Our son was addicted to bread, used to rip the toaster off the wall when he was hungry. About 3 monyhs ago we eliminated all grains, it wasn't easy, but we were just really consistent and disciplined, the transition was really hard for about 1-2 weeks but after we that he just forgot about bread.

Apparently the sugars in the breeds and pastas feed the candida in the gut - which become super addictive and causes behavioural flow on affects.

Hes a beautiful boy and all I want each day to see a smile on his face. When he gives me a cuddle, it makes me so happy. He's taught me to be authentic better person and given me perspective on what's important in life.

Look after yourselves and sending you all my energy to you and your families 

Top 8 2023

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1783

Posted by: @crowsnest

We are what we eat 👍

Amen, Crowy!

Although my sons chiro says 'We are what we absorb' 

As you may eat good food but your body may not be absorbing the right amount of nutrients.

Top 8 2023

Crowsnest reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 558

When I get out of this bed I'm going to take up photography.

Hopefully we have some budding happy snappers on the forum because I have sooo many questions. 
