Last seen: February 22, 2025 8:24 pm
Any loss to to that roosters side named is not acceptable
I have been waiting 10 years for them just to make the 8 if that’s not patience don’t know what is. Maybe I will learn it in another 10 years
avo there probably doing what the coaches are telling them to do and following the head coach game plan, need I say more
So by halfway through the season
Putting to much faith in Blore is a mistake still not a proven first grader and yes I know he has been unlucky with injuries and that might turn out...
If we didn’t fight hard to keep him we are mad. I think he will turn out to be better than Blore
Just might explain reason why only 3 finals in over 20 years
@garry Garry you may be right in what you say but do we just keep the same coach if there is no improvement simply because we think there’s no one bet...
@unhappy-tiger And what about the man who had a say in recruiting or re-signing 95% of that squad. He had a big say took over a team that finished ...
Just don’t know what to do about the Brooks situation I’m in two minds. On the one hand I think it whould be better for both parties for him to go, bu...
Hope they all step up but I think only 2/3 will and Musgrove won’t be one. He will be about as useful as Roberts but I do hope I have to eat my words
@garry Roberts there kidding waste of a spot and money. And supporters wonder why we haven’t made finals for so long
I agree hope you are right
Maybe so but going by report's he was offered up as a trade for api yet the club he started at as junior apparently knocked it back why I wonder
avo i normally agree with many of your posts but not this one. Blore is yet to prove anything yes he has potential but will he fulfill it if we can sw...