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Wests Tigers Podcast episode 0338

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It's party mode on the Wests Tigers Podcast after a second successive victory! https://weststigerspodcast.com.au/wests-tigers-podcast-0338/

Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

Kades79 reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Hahahaha another vodka red bull for Eddie please. 

Watch out for the bergs

Wests Magpies NSW Cup Moderator
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I would be definitely keeping Luke on the wing. Staines has more experience but he’s been really ordinary all year. I’d have Staines or Naden over Faatape though

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posted by: @avocadoontoast

I would be definitely keeping Luke on the wing. Staines has more experience but he’s been really ordinary all year. I’d have Staines or Naden over Faatape though

Nah Luke’s had his taste, he played well. I’d have Stains and Naden on the wings with Olam and Doueihi in the centres.


Watch out for the bergs

Wests Magpies NSW Cup Moderator
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Posted by: @loganr21

Posted by: @avocadoontoast

I would be definitely keeping Luke on the wing. Staines has more experience but he’s been really ordinary all year. I’d have Staines or Naden over Faatape though

Nah Luke’s had his taste, he played well. I’d have Stains and Naden on the wings with Olam and Doueihi in the centres.




Id keep Luke there. No pressure, gets some exposure and I think he’s it’s worth playing the guys that have a future with the club.


on Naden, was anyone else surprised how easily he got run down? I always thought he was pretty quick but the game yesterday showed otherwise.


LoganR21 reacted
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heard the question on the pod and I think it has been asked before...."Does Galvin remind you of anyone?"
He does remind me of someone and I havent been able to nail it down but I think its Scott Hill the old Storm 5/8. Obviously younger and IMO more skilful than Hill but something similar IMO.

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posted by: @tiger5150

heard the question on the pod and I think it has been asked before...."Does Galvin remind you of anyone?"
He does remind me of someone and I havent been able to nail it down but I think its Scott Hill the old Storm 5/8. Obviously younger and IMO more skilful than Hill but something similar IMO.

Yep that's it for me


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Tiger5150 reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup Moderator
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@tiger5150 reminds me a little bit of Jason Smith too.

Tiger5150 reacted
Tiger Ex Maggie
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@avocadoontoast somebody said he might be carrying a bit of an injury.

yes he’s normally pretty quick

Avo reacted
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On the topic of Seyfarth's discipline issues, I do think he has become much better at not letting opposition players rile him up and get a silly response from him. They know he is an easy target or at least has been. However I do think that is still just beneath the surface as last week he did receive a little treatment in a tackle and after playing the ball moved into the marker leading with his head. Could have gone wrong so quickly. 

Overall though he he did play a blinder and will need to step it up this weekend as will everyone, if we are to mix it with the Roosters.
