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Wests Tigers Unite - for all Wests Tigers fans

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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404 signatures now, thanks all. Let’s keep this going!

Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

wests tigers is an asset of HBG. It is a strawman arguement to compare the club grant (and expense of HBG) with the revenue of HBG. A better measure would be to compare the value of the WT license (conservatively worth $25m imho if it was put up for sale today) to total HBG assets which are listed at $95m in their annual report. This way you are comparing apples and apples and it is clear this is a significant part of their business. 


Im happy to have a sensible discussion about this but to accuse me of mounting a strawman argument is bullshit. I have a different opinion and I have calmly detailed my point of view on a forum for discussion about this point on a forum that I thought was for for discussion.

Ive said all I want to say about it. I thought this forum was above this. Enjoy patting each other on the back.


(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

wests tigers is an asset of HBG. It is a strawman arguement to compare the club grant (and expense of HBG) with the revenue of HBG. A better measure would be to compare the value of the WT license (conservatively worth $25m imho if it was put up for sale today) to total HBG assets which are listed at $95m in their annual report. This way you are comparing apples and apples and it is clear this is a significant part of their business. 

To address your point more directly.....for the sake of the discussion lets say the Wests Tigers license is an asset was worth $25M (that they paid $0 for), this asset on the balance sheet has a corresponding liability over the term of the license of $20M for ongoing grants (will be more adjusting for the salary cap and inflation) so on those terms (your terms) the WT are a net asset on the balance sheet of a maximum of $5M dollars which is (by your figures) 5%.....so you know, apples and apples..... no straw.


Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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We’ve just passed 450 signatures!

Here are some comments from those who have signed the petition today:

The current debenture system is archaic and does not allow for open governance and transparency. It’s time for these fossils to move on to allow the HBG and the Wests Tigers to thrive. - Costas

After years of embarrassing results and 3 wooden spoons,I finally thought we were heading in the right direction with the appointment of Shane Richardson..once again the board has failed the clubs fans and members with its failure to comply with its 2023 review recommendations. As a paying member for over 10 years here is my vote of no confidence in the Holman Barnes Group. - Stephen

I am sick of personal ambitions and agendas of individuals, continuously putting well being of the football club last. Time for transparency. - Nicholas

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Wests Tigers Development Player
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good work I have signed 

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

wests tigers is an asset of HBG. It is a strawman arguement to compare the club grant (and expense of HBG) with the revenue of HBG. A better measure would be to compare the value of the WT license (conservatively worth $25m imho if it was put up for sale today) to total HBG assets which are listed at $95m in their annual report. This way you are comparing apples and apples and it is clear this is a significant part of their business. 

To address your point more directly.....for the sake of the discussion lets say the Wests Tigers license is an asset was worth $25M (that they paid $0 for), this asset on the balance sheet has a corresponding liability over the term of the license of $20M for ongoing grants (will be more adjusting for the salary cap and inflation) so on those terms (your terms) the WT are a net asset on the balance sheet of a maximum of $5M dollars which is (by your figures) 5%.....so you know, apples and apples..... no straw.


if WT ran a profit (very achievable given NRL grant and other clubs do it) then there is no need for a grant. The grant is purely optional. There is no need (if well run) for HBG to contribute anything anyway. It’s just a massive and valuable asset on its balance sheet. In all reality if the club was put up for sale given its strong brand and huge supporter base I would expect it to easily fetch $50m. It is a very substantial asset (NRL licensed franchise) that is being ultimately run by drongo’s who are happy to run it into the ground. Hence the need for reform of governance around how those drongos are elected (or removed from office). That is what the petition is about. 


This post was modified 2 months ago by TigerTownSFS

Joel Helmes reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

wests tigers is an asset of HBG. It is a strawman arguement to compare the club grant (and expense of HBG) with the revenue of HBG. A better measure would be to compare the value of the WT license (conservatively worth $25m imho if it was put up for sale today) to total HBG assets which are listed at $95m in their annual report. This way you are comparing apples and apples and it is clear this is a significant part of their business. 

To address your point more directly.....for the sake of the discussion lets say the Wests Tigers license is an asset was worth $25M (that they paid $0 for), this asset on the balance sheet has a corresponding liability over the term of the license of $20M for ongoing grants (will be more adjusting for the salary cap and inflation) so on those terms (your terms) the WT are a net asset on the balance sheet of a maximum of $5M dollars which is (by your figures) 5%.....so you know, apples and apples..... no straw.


if WT ran a profit (very achievable given NRL grant and other clubs do it) then there is no need for a grant. The grant is purely optional. There is no need (if well run) for HBG to contribute anything anyway. It’s just a massive and valuable asset on its balance sheet. In all reality if the club was put up for sale given its strong brand and huge supporter base I would expect it to easily fetch $50m. It is a very substantial asset (NRL licensed franchise) that is being ultimately run by drongo’s who are happy to run it into the ground. Hence the need for reform of governance around how those drongos are elected (or removed from office). That is what the petition is about. 


Thank so very much for explaining what the petition is about. Im grateful. Ill politely shut up and let the consenting voices have the stage.


Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Wests Tigers Unite

For ALL Wests Tigers Fans


Press Release

30th December 2024


A diverse group of leading Wests Tigers social media platforms and supporter groups has unified under the banner ‘Wests Tigers Unite’ and launched a petition calling for a review of the governance of the Holman Barnes Group (HBG)

The group's formation came about following months of negative headlines about the ownership and governance of the Wests Tigers NRL club, and more specifically, recent developments in the administration and governance of the NRL club’s majority stakeholder, HBG.

There is a significant amount of frustration and concern among Wests Tigers fans after the HBG board initially unanimously supported the recommendations of an external review into the governance of the Wests Tigers (conducted in late 2023), however, changes on the HBG board early in 2024 left those recommendations floundering.

In more recent times, three pro-review directors have been sidelined and look set to be entirely removed from their positions (and even banned from entering any HBG-controlled premises) based on allegations that seem to be thin at best.

It appears that those who have control of the HBG board are continuing to resist key review recommendations, and there are also deeper concerns among Wests Tigers fans that those now in charge of the HBG are not working in the best interests of the NRL club.

Further, there are significant concerns among the members of Wests Tigers Unite that the corporate governance, primarily the HBG’s long-established Debenture system, fails to provide fair representation to club members or meet community and regulator expectations.

The Wests Tigers Unite petition is calling for a comprehensive external review of the governance of the Holman Barnes Group and will be presented to the HBG, Liquor and Gaming NSW, and the NSW Minister for Liquor and Gaming, The Hon. David Harris, MP.

Members of Wests Tigers Unite include well-known ‘Wests Tigers Life’ podcast contributor Rob Bechara, ‘The Ambush’ Wests Tigers fan group, the Wests Tigers Forum, Tiger Town Podcast, and the Wests Tigers Podcast & Forum.

The petition has currently received over 500 signed submissions, and it is anticipated that further Wests Tigers fan and media platforms will join us in this action in the coming days.    

Mr. Bechara says he supports the petition because he is concerned about the procrastination of the implementation of the full recommendations made by the independent and external review.

“I’m also bothered by the continuous unrest amongst board members of Holman Barnes Group and the embarrassment it not only brings to themselves but also the Wests Tigers.

“A united board at ownership level is vital for the stability and success at the Wests Tigers and all decisions made at board level MUST be in the best interests of the Wests Tigers and its future.

“I hope all Wests Tigers fans support this petition. It’s in the best interests of Wests Tigers future.”

The Ambush co-founder Kelly Hollis says supporting the petition was an easy decision.

“Our group has always been about uniting Wests Tigers fans and creating a strong community, both on and off the field. Supporting the Wests Tigers Unite petition is a natural extension of that mission.

“We stand with fans calling for transparency and accountability in the club’s governance to ensure the future of the Tigers is as strong as the passion of its supporters.

“It’s time for the club we love to thrive, and we’re proud to back this important cause.”

Tiger Town Podcast co-owners Toby Burke and Zac Kelsey say they are right behind the movement.

“We feel obligated to support this petition due to our ongoing concerns with the perceived dysfunction at board level of the majority owners of Wests Tigers, the Holman Barnes Group, and, how this has impacted and will continue to impact, a cohesive and congruent Wests Tigers Board; something that is a necessity for a rugby league club to be successful.

“We are only interested in the success and stability of the football club moving forward and are concerned that the current governance structure is preventing necessary progress from taking place, let alone in a timely and expedited fashion.

“The dysfunction, infighting and agendas need to end, once and for all.'

Wests Tigers Podcast & Forum co-founder Joel Helmes says the current governance structure at HBG appears to consistently be proving problematic.  

“The Holman Barnes Group, and by extension the Wests Tigers, has become a plaything for a small group of individuals who are not answerable to anyone.

“Under the current set-up there doesn’t appear to be any feasible or tangible mechanisms to enforce good governance, and certainly no direct democratic process that could be triggered to ensure the people in charge of the HBG are accountable.

“It is in my opinion that the Debenture-controlled HBG board fails to meet one of the five priorities of the Liquor & Gaming NSW Delivery Plan 2024 – 2026, namely, ensuring responsible governance, operator integrity, and financial accountability.”

One of the three elected HBG directors set to be removed from their positions was the long-serving Rick Wayde.

Wayde, along with Tony Andreacchio and David Gilbert, have been suspended for several weeks and are likely to have their club memberships revoked, removing them from being able to hold positions on the HBG board.

Wayde says what has happened to him and his two fellow board members shows the HBG governance is not providing the 27,000 Members of the HBG licensed clubs with representation at Board level.

“Tony and I have been through five elections over the past 13 years, being unopposed in early 2024, for a three-year term. During our time we have helped establish a stable environment for the CEO and his executive team to build a strong, company, resulting in record profits over the past three years.

“We have also been the prime movers in the Wests Tigers review and its implementation. That HBG Boardroom stability has disappeared in the current power grab by debenture holders - Julie Romero, Dennis Burgess, Stephen Montgomery, and Vince Tropiano.

“The debenture system has passed its ‘use by’ date.” Mr. Wayde said.


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Wests Magpies Harold Matts
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@tiger5150 I have at times thought that your comments have been strongly negative and critical but I support your right to express your opinions on this0platform as much as the next person.

I understand your position on this matter and also your frustration with some comments from others. 

I encourage you to continue bringing balance and and knowledge/expertise to the discussions on this forum. I appreciate it.

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posted by: @tgrzmn

@tiger5150 I have at times thought that your comments have been strongly negative and critical but I support your right to express your opinions on this0platform as much as the next person.

I understand your position on this matter and also your frustration with some comments from others. 

I encourage you to continue bringing balance and and knowledge/expertise to the discussions on this forum. I appreciate it.

Very well said, I don't have an issue with @tiger5150 take on this and support his decision not to sign the petition if he doesn't agree with the course of action.

I truly value our opinion mate.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5181

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @tgrzmn

@tiger5150 I have at times thought that your comments have been strongly negative and critical but I support your right to express your opinions on this0platform as much as the next person.

I understand your position on this matter and also your frustration with some comments from others. 

I encourage you to continue bringing balance and and knowledge/expertise to the discussions on this forum. I appreciate it.

Very well said, I don't have an issue with @tiger5150 take on this and support his decision not to sign the petition if he doesn't agree with the course of action.

I truly value our opinion mate.




Wests Tigers Podcast - Talking everything Wests Tigers!

(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @tgrzmn

@tiger5150 I have at times thought that your comments have been strongly negative and critical but I support your right to express your opinions on this0platform as much as the next person.

I understand your position on this matter and also your frustration with some comments from others. 

I encourage you to continue bringing balance and and knowledge/expertise to the discussions on this forum. I appreciate it.

Much appreciated @tgrzmn & Garry.

I actually very much value this forum and the way the members treat each other.  A rare place on the web for that. I do have a dissenting opinion on this but Ive said what I think and dont think it serves anything to continue to bang on. I share the sentiment of everyone here and hope that the petition is wildly successful.


Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posts: 2199

Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @tgrzmn

@tiger5150 I have at times thought that your comments have been strongly negative and critical but I support your right to express your opinions on this0platform as much as the next person.

I understand your position on this matter and also your frustration with some comments from others. 

I encourage you to continue bringing balance and and knowledge/expertise to the discussions on this forum. I appreciate it.

Much appreciated @tgrzmn & Garry.

I actually very much value this forum and the way the members treat each other.  A rare place on the web for that. I do have a dissenting opinion on this but Ive said what I think and dont think it serves anything to continue to bang on. I share the sentiment of everyone here and hope that the petition is wildly successful.


I absolutely support your right to have your own opinion - that’s why we are all here I guess! I just hope we can achieve the much needed change we all hope for.


CanberraTiger, Tigerlily, TGRZMN and 1 people reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5181
We are now at 537 signatures on our petition. Thank you so much to everyone who has signed, but we need many, many more if we're going to be heard.
Here's a selection of recent comments left by those signing the petition...
I want the infighting at the Board level to stop. I want a united Board. I want a Board without individual agendas. I want a Board with the sole objective of making Wests Tigers successful. - Greg
It's time to implement the recommendations of the review. Wests Tigers is a club on the up after a decade of shambolic leadership. This is the next step to making this club a Rugby League Powerhouse. - Richard
I am disgusted by the carry on of the remaining directors and debenture holders and this is making my team the laughing stock of the league. - Gregory
As a passionate Wests Tigers supporter, the conduct of the HBG group over the last 6-12 months has been embarrassing and amateurish. The Wests Tigers team, thanks to Shane Richardson in particular, are finally heading in the right direction but the dithering of the HBG threatens to derail the positive moves made. There is a strong sense that the HBG members are only focused on themselves and have little regard or concern for the wider Wests Tigers group. - Edward
I’m sick and tired of the embarrassing off field governance of our great club, it’s time to clean out the muppets ruining the upwards trajectory through personal gain. The Wests Tigers are the sleeping giants of the NRL. We are finally getting it right on the field, let’s get it right everywhere. - Brendan
We need governance at the Holman Barnes Group to be reviewed to ensure that the Wests Tigers stand a chance of being a strong and united NRL club.
Please sign the petition and share it with your friends too!

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TigerTon reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Another petition?


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