The Halves Conundru...
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The Halves Conundrum (3 into 2)

(@Anonymous 19)
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Forgive me for creating a new topic for it, but I see this as a major issue going forward.


So much discussion about our halves, Brooks, Hastings and Douiehi.


For mine, on form, NONE of them are up to it. I am worried that too much discussion will be centred on what is the right combination of these three when the real answer is we need better. End of story.


I dont necessary think the idea of having them all there in 7, 6 and 13 is the wrong idea but I do think the set up is wrong right now. In two years now I have seen NOTHING that suggests Doueihi is a modern day 6. I say modern day because he would be the perfect 6 in the 90'sbut the modern six needs a passing and kicking game and he has neither. Nor does he have a football brain.

If you look at Brooks, Hastings and Doueihi...physically....which one looks like a lock. IMO Doueihi.

When you watch their play, in particular their passing and kicking and setting up players around them, which one looks least like a half. IMO Doueihi.

IMO Douiehi should be our Yeo. He is not a 6.




Kiwitiger, Jedi Tiger, Kenny4517 and 1 people reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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We will never play finals with Brooks at half. He just doesn’t have the smarts to control the game. A fair player but dumb as. 

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posted by: @tiger5150

If you look at Brooks, Hastings and Doueihi...physically....which one looks like a lock. IMO Doueihi.

When you watch their play, in particular their passing and kicking and setting up players around them, which one looks least like a half. IMO Doueihi.

IMO Douiehi should be our Yeo. He is not a 6.

I agree.

The club is pandering to Doueihi and it will likely cost us Hastings whose smarts we need. AD should be playing centre or edge forward. His poor defence means he's unlikely to ever be a 13.  I like AD and he does some good things but I believe we're doing more to cater to him than we are Brooks (and to a lesser extent Hastings).

Sometimes the facts are difficult to swallow but he was a poor fullback and is an ordinary 6. His key strength is his (straight) running game and will be best utilised at 3, 4, 11 or 12. He's the classic "decent player who can't nail down a position".

Joel Helmes and Peter A reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @mike

We will never play finals with Brooks at half. He just doesn’t have the smarts to control the game. A fair player but dumb as. 

IMO 7 Hastings, 6 Brooks, (13 or 4) Doueihi is our best combination.


AD has been the most vocal about being 6 and the least qualified IMO.


Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posted by: @tiger5150
Posted by: @mike

We will never play finals with Brooks at half. He just doesn’t have the smarts to control the game. A fair player but dumb as. 

IMO 7 Hastings, 6 Brooks, (13 or 4) Doueihi is our best combination.


AD has been the most vocal about being 6 and the least qualified IMO.


Hard to argue with that. Not sure that AD is a lock though. Don’t really know where to play him. Too slow for fullback or 6. Defence needs improvement for lock.  

Balmain Tigers SG Ball Admin
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I thought Doueihi was our best player today 

Joel Helmes reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posted by: @declan

I thought Doueihi was our best player today

He played well in the second half but his first half was poor. His kicking was ad-hoc and without purpose and he had some mediocre reads in defence.

I'll overlook his fitness due to his extended break but he's definitely struggling to keep to the pace of the game.

Jedi Tiger reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Posted by: @declan

I thought Doueihi was our best player today 

I was at the game and feel that Douhie probably was the most dangerous with ball in hand. That said it’s still just him ie it’s not like he is giving opportunities to those around him that makes him both a threat with ball in hand as well as creating for those around him. If he worked very hard on defence (certainly a teachable skill) then I think he could be a Yeo type player. Doesn’t sound like Douhie would accept that however so with Benji/Sheens expected to believe they can “fix” Brooks, that leaves Hastings as likely to move on

Mike reacted
Wests Magpies Harold Matts
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I agree we are average with any of these players in the halves. Hastings smartest player at 7 Madden at 6 

Douhie at 4 . Joffa at lock thought he had little impact up front. 

Wests Tigers Development Player
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@voice_of_reason I agree pandering to Douhies at 6 will cost us Hastings. Douhie can and should be the centre he was running that wide anyway  and very good ball runner too but doesn't bring others opportunities at 6. Not sure on his defence either

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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We can only judge what's in front of us but it's hard to properly assess until we have a legitimately competitive pack.

All three in question would look better in a top team.

earl and Jedi Tiger reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posted by: @jedi-tiger

I agree pandering to Hastings at 6 will cost us Douhie. Hastings can and should be the centre he was running that wide anyway 

I'm not sure I follow as Hastings hasn't played 6 (maybe first game). AD was playing wide.

Wests Tigers Development Player
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@voice_of_reason sorry mate meant douhie at 6 will cause Hastings to jump ship I think. I dont think Hastings body can hold up to lock

Wests Magpies Harold Matts
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Posted by: @voice_of_reason
Posted by: @declan

I thought Doueihi was our best player today

He played well in the second half but his first half was poor. His kicking was ad-hoc and without purpose and he had some mediocre reads in defence.

I'll overlook his fitness due to his extended break but he's definitely struggling to keep to the pace of the game.

Yes…..but still our best today 

(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @declan

I thought Doueihi was our best player today 

He had a good game IMO, for a 4, or 12,13.


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