Michael Maguire sac...
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Michael Maguire sacked

Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 4727
Posted by: @yanni
Posted by: @mike
Posted by: @yanni
Posted by: @mike
Posted by: @yanni
Posted by: @mike
Posted by: @tigertownsfs
  • @mike they have a replacement 

Then they should announce it. They haven’t, which to me means the deal isn’t done. Probably another Lee & Pascoe debacle on our hands. 

Mike if they had announced a new coach yesterday you would of been giving it to them for going behind Maguire’s back. 
 I understand that you are a Maguire supporter and respect that but I just could not see any improvement it was time 

Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean there wasn’t any improvement. You are looking at one metric out of context. 

Not a question of going behind Maguire’s back they did that already. 

The question is who has been signed up to take his place. The answer is nobody.  

How? and you know for a fact there’s no other coach singed . And that one metric is the only thing that matters if were not playing to make finals on a regular basis and win premierships what are we in the comp for. For whatever reason Maguire couldn’t get it done at the tigers and was never going to 

You don’t know that and now you never will. That’s just an assumption on your part. 

Yep just like all the ones you are making in so many of your posts 

Just making counter points with the same authority as everyone else. Like as in none. People on here know diddly squat yet everyone is acting like they ‘know’. All too funny. 

(@Anonymous 9)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3247

NZ Warriors not going for Madge per DT

Asked if Maguire is on his hit list, Robinson said: No he’s not. I don’t really know Michael Maguire but he didn’t get results at the Wests Tigers, so we’re not going in that direction."


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posted by: @eastiemagpie

At least the talk about flanagan being a candidate has gone quiet. We just need someone fresh, with new ideas and methods.

He was on the agenda last night .....

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5247

I am a little perplexed, for the past 10 years we have had complaints about players not putting in, the boys club, a clique, players not playing for the coach or the jersey, players ousting coaches, the pea hearts winning etc. All of a sudden all over the internet people are ok with players wanting to leave the club because of a coach change, how is this any different from the sins of our players from past years? It is actively trying to influence the direction of the club by saying they will leave now the coach has been fired. It is hypercritical and I don't understand it, if players want to leave because they are unhappy with a coaching change then they can go, it is no different from sulking players of the past.


This is coming from someone who was happy for madge to see out the year to see if the minor upswing we have seen was set to continue. Smarter people than any of us decided that wasn't the way forward.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

TigerSteve reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 1226
Posted by: @mike
Posted by: @yanni
Posted by: @mike
Posted by: @yanni
Posted by: @mike
Posted by: @yanni
Posted by: @mike
Posted by: @tigertownsfs
  • @mike they have a replacement 

Then they should announce it. They haven’t, which to me means the deal isn’t done. Probably another Lee & Pascoe debacle on our hands. 

Mike if they had announced a new coach yesterday you would of been giving it to them for going behind Maguire’s back. 
 I understand that you are a Maguire supporter and respect that but I just could not see any improvement it was time 

Just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean there wasn’t any improvement. You are looking at one metric out of context. 

Not a question of going behind Maguire’s back they did that already. 

The question is who has been signed up to take his place. The answer is nobody.  

How? and you know for a fact there’s no other coach singed . And that one metric is the only thing that matters if were not playing to make finals on a regular basis and win premierships what are we in the comp for. For whatever reason Maguire couldn’t get it done at the tigers and was never going to 

You don’t know that and now you never will. That’s just an assumption on your part. 

Yep just like all the ones you are making in so many of your posts 

Just making counter points with the same authority as everyone else. Like as in none. People on here know diddly squat yet everyone is acting like they ‘know’. All too funny. 

My posts are based on common sense on the info being provided ...but then again linking the WT's and common sense in the same sentence is insanity so just ignore my posts ...but I'm right ...I think 

Mike and Garry reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 1226
Posted by: @garry

I am a little perplexed, for the past 10 years we have had complaints about players not putting in, the boys club, a clique, players not playing for the coach or the jersey, players ousting coaches, the pea hearts winning etc. All of a sudden all over the internet people are ok with players wanting to leave the club because of a coach change, how is this any different from the sins of our players from past years? It is actively trying to influence the direction of the club by saying they will leave now the coach has been fired. It is hypercritical and I don't understand it, if players want to leave because they are unhappy with a coaching change then they can go, it is no different from sulking players of the past.


This is coming from someone who was happy for madge to see out the year to see if the minor upswing we have seen was set to continue. Smarter people than any of us decided that wasn't the way forward.

Smarter people than us .....Sheens didn't get the Sheenius tag for a reason .........and we were all ready to throw a rope over the closest tree in regards to Sheens from 2012 onwards ......I still don't get why Sheens is seen as the answer to all our prayers ....

Mike reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Posts: 3988
Posted by: @tigertownsfs

@declan that’s my mail. He has a contract. Up to him when it’s announced 

Hope you are right.


This is going to sound a bit vague, but if the Club announce Ciraldo, then hats off, I dont think they could have done anything better. They have done the right thing all the way through.


If its anyone else, IMO they have screwed up.


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 1226
Posted by: @kiwitiger
Posted by: @unhappy-tiger

So are we on a 3 , 5 or 10 year rebuild now 

And next question shouldn't a good quality coach be able to handle any squad ....so if we hire a coach to rebuild the club ...we will then need to hire a Top 8 coach ...then a Top 4 coach ....then a GF coach ..and then a Premiership coach ...all this talk about a specific coach is absolute crap ....

I think we are on the rebuild from 10 years ago. The one sheens was going to do if he wasn't sacked.

Its funny when you think about it. The guy who was pointing us in the wrong direction is now stearing the fiasco. 

I'm so with you KT .....I just don't get it ...maybe I need to win Powerball so I can buy an opinion in the club 

Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posts: 5247
Posted by: @unhappy-tiger
Posted by: @garry

I am a little perplexed, for the past 10 years we have had complaints about players not putting in, the boys club, a clique, players not playing for the coach or the jersey, players ousting coaches, the pea hearts winning etc. All of a sudden all over the internet people are ok with players wanting to leave the club because of a coach change, how is this any different from the sins of our players from past years? It is actively trying to influence the direction of the club by saying they will leave now the coach has been fired. It is hypercritical and I don't understand it, if players want to leave because they are unhappy with a coaching change then they can go, it is no different from sulking players of the past.


This is coming from someone who was happy for madge to see out the year to see if the minor upswing we have seen was set to continue. Smarter people than any of us decided that wasn't the way forward.

Smarter people than us .....Sheens didn't get the Sheenius tag for a reason .........and we were all ready to throw a rope over the closest tree in regards to Sheens from 2012 onwards ......I still don't get why Sheens is seen as the answer to all our prayers ....

He still won 4 premierships as a coach. All that was a long time ago but I am not going to sit here and say that I know more than Sheens, I am close but not quite there :p

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988
Posted by: @avocadoontoast

NZ Warriors not going for Madge per DT

Asked if Maguire is on his hit list, Robinson said: No he’s not. I don’t really know Michael Maguire but he didn’t get results at the Wests Tigers, so we’re not going in that direction."


IMO thats a shame, I was hoping to see what Madge could do with Warriors. I think he could be a good fit.



Wests Magpies Harold Matts
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Posts: 177
Posted by: @unhappy-tiger
Posted by: @kiwitiger
Posted by: @unhappy-tiger

So are we on a 3 , 5 or 10 year rebuild now 

And next question shouldn't a good quality coach be able to handle any squad ....so if we hire a coach to rebuild the club ...we will then need to hire a Top 8 coach ...then a Top 4 coach ....then a GF coach ..and then a Premiership coach ...all this talk about a specific coach is absolute crap ....

I think we are on the rebuild from 10 years ago. The one sheens was going to do if he wasn't sacked.

Its funny when you think about it. The guy who was pointing us in the wrong direction is now stearing the fiasco. 

I'm so with you KT .....I just don't get it ...maybe I need to win Powerball so I can buy an opinion in the club 

Jaysus unhappy if i win powerball i'll give it to you. 10 years going in circles

(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988
Posted by: @garry

I am a little perplexed, for the past 10 years we have had complaints about players not putting in, the boys club, a clique, players not playing for the coach or the jersey, players ousting coaches, the pea hearts winning etc. All of a sudden all over the internet people are ok with players wanting to leave the club because of a coach change, how is this any different from the sins of our players from past years? It is actively trying to influence the direction of the club by saying they will leave now the coach has been fired. It is hypercritical and I don't understand it, if players want to leave because they are unhappy with a coaching change then they can go, it is no different from sulking players of the past.


This is coming from someone who was happy for madge to see out the year to see if the minor upswing we have seen was set to continue. Smarter people than any of us decided that wasn't the way forward.

Totally agree with this. All the hand wringing about Hastings potentially leaving with Madge, I'd let him go. YES we are playing better with him at 7,.......but still losing and I thought he was very average against Souffs and even second half against the Dogs. The rosy hue of low expectations.


We are hopefully appointing a new coach to fix the broken systems we have at the club which includes training and game day. That will count for more than the slight difference between Hastings/Brooks/Madden.


I have wondered what would change about a Ciraldo coached Tigers initially. What what he bring from that Pamfers system that could immediately reflect on us. The one MASSIVE difference I see between Pamfers/Storm and us is the pace of everything. Line speed, support players, runners....EVERYTHING is done at a faster pace and for a longer segmetn of the game than we do. This is not a talent thing, it is a fitness and mindset thing and Im not sure our blokes have it in them, but they should.


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Posts: 1226
Posted by: @jedi-tiger

@unhappy-tiger tell them it will be ciraldo simple

If Ciraldo is being advised by someone with Ciraldo's future career prospects in mind he would stay away from us .....I'd be looking at Redcliffe or staying at Penrith .....Cleary will retire in 6-8 years 


Not a fan of Morris ...Flanagan should be in Prison .....Brown has said he won't take another head coaches role ......Wolfe has made some enemies in the NRL .....Green is similar to Madge .....maybe Slater for me if you want a development coach ....lots of people raving about him already ...lets see what happens over the next month 

But we probably have got someone already ...it would have been madness to sack Madge if you didn't think we had someone better ...but who these nincompoops think or thought was better than Madge ....

Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1226
Posted by: @kiwitiger
Posted by: @unhappy-tiger
Posted by: @kiwitiger
Posted by: @unhappy-tiger

So are we on a 3 , 5 or 10 year rebuild now 

And next question shouldn't a good quality coach be able to handle any squad ....so if we hire a coach to rebuild the club ...we will then need to hire a Top 8 coach ...then a Top 4 coach ....then a GF coach ..and then a Premiership coach ...all this talk about a specific coach is absolute crap ....

I think we are on the rebuild from 10 years ago. The one sheens was going to do if he wasn't sacked.

Its funny when you think about it. The guy who was pointing us in the wrong direction is now stearing the fiasco. 

I'm so with you KT .....I just don't get it ...maybe I need to win Powerball so I can buy an opinion in the club 

Jaysus unhappy if i win powerball i'll give it to you. 10 years going in circles

Mate these little princesses wouldn't cope with me as their boss ......

Mike reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1226
Posted by: @garry
Posted by: @unhappy-tiger
Posted by: @garry

I am a little perplexed, for the past 10 years we have had complaints about players not putting in, the boys club, a clique, players not playing for the coach or the jersey, players ousting coaches, the pea hearts winning etc. All of a sudden all over the internet people are ok with players wanting to leave the club because of a coach change, how is this any different from the sins of our players from past years? It is actively trying to influence the direction of the club by saying they will leave now the coach has been fired. It is hypercritical and I don't understand it, if players want to leave because they are unhappy with a coaching change then they can go, it is no different from sulking players of the past.


This is coming from someone who was happy for madge to see out the year to see if the minor upswing we have seen was set to continue. Smarter people than any of us decided that wasn't the way forward.

Smarter people than us .....Sheens didn't get the Sheenius tag for a reason .........and we were all ready to throw a rope over the closest tree in regards to Sheens from 2012 onwards ......I still don't get why Sheens is seen as the answer to all our prayers ....

He still won 4 premierships as a coach. All that was a long time ago but I am not going to sit here and say that I know more than Sheens, I am close but not quite there :p

Remember Sheens was the initial cap buster ...can not believe you Balmain blokes don't bring it up more often lol .....

Mike and Garry reacted
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