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Old Balmain Leagues Club destroyed by fire

Wests Tigers Development Player
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3705

Posted by: @eastiemagpie

Naming the new leagues club “Wests Balmain” sounds like a better fit and a more modern branding. Balmain Leagues Club sounds old fashioned to me. 


Geographically accurate as well (Rozelle = West Balmain)


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Posted by: @garry

To be honest I think Wests Ashfield are doing a good job trying to adopt the history of Balmain , now that they are in this position. I think the establishment of the Holman Barnes Group is a sign of this and having an overarching group like this responsible for the Leagues Clubs allows them to keep separate identities while becoming more unified.

I would though have loved for this club to be Wests Tigers branded and not Balmain but I think this is Wests Ashfield trying to recognise the importance of Balmain.

In a way though... Leagues clubs are regional rather than team specific if that makes sense.

So, I can see both point of views to this.

Think it was either, change all clubs to be Wests Tigers Clubs or keep an over arching control but keep regional names.

I'm ok with it.


The Last Ronin
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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I don’t mind if they brand the club as a Balmain Leagues Club with a link to Wests. The primary function of the club will be to support the Balmain junior league. 

Wests Tigers Development Player
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Posts: 3705

Posted by: @the-last-ronin

I don’t mind if they brand the club as a Balmain Leagues Club with a link to Wests. The primary function of the club will be to support the Balmain junior league. 


The primary function of every "Leagues Club" is to support junior leagues and that is why they are tax free entities (except for Pokies). They do not receive any tax benefits for supporting NRL teams.


The Last Ronin
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Posts: 2212

Posted by: @tiger5150

Posted by: @the-last-ronin

I don’t mind if they brand the club as a Balmain Leagues Club with a link to Wests. The primary function of the club will be to support the Balmain junior league. 


The primary function of every "Leagues Club" is to support junior leagues and that is why they are tax free entities (except for Pokies). They do not receive any tax benefits for supporting NRL teams.


100% the Balmain junior league is a big and still growing league so will be good for them to get the extra support from whatever they call the leagues club. I know the last few years have been tough on a few of the clubs with the Covid and weather. 


Joel Helmes reacted
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Demolition has finally begun, today, to make way for the redevelopment and new club premises.

Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
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Posted by: @mike

Demolition has finally begun, today, to make way for the redevelopment and new club premises.

Sad to hear, but also good news 👍


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