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Democracy lost article

(@Anonymous 19)
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Posted by: @helmesy

Posted by: @Anonymous

I would reflect on how my behavior resulted in the situation where the "powers that be" decided to cancel my membership. I current sit on a board and have been on management committees of various types and sizes. There are ways to get things done and ways to ensure that things will definitely not get done.

Voted out by Wests Ashfield appointed board members, not the Wests Magpies members that elected Cavanagh to represent the interests of the Wests Magpies. I like that you’re defending the WT and WA boards but if you can’t see what the possible issue is here I can’t help you.


Im going to leave it here Joel, because I really dont want to get into it personally with you.


I am NOT defending the WT & WA boards at all. I dont know if they have done the right thing or the wrong thing. I would want to have a better source than a disgraced former chairman with an axe to grind before I publicised it and opened myself personally and my website/pod up to defamation proceedings let alone damage a club I love. I would also do a risk/benefit analysis and I simply do not see the benefits to publicising very serious and completely unsubstantiated allegations that potentially defame an organisation that is important to all of us other than intentionally seeking to destabilise the board. If you cant see the possible issue here, I cant help you but a good defamation lawyer might be able to. Suggest you exclude Brydens.

Joel, have you ever considered that Shannon Cavanagh might have also aired his grievances elsewhere besides the bastion of journalism that is the Wests Tigers Podcast Forum? Have you ever considered that he may have gone to other media sources, some a lot larger than this little forum? Have you ever considered why it is that to date the only place that these completely unsubstantiated allegations have been publicised is this little forum and not anywhere else? Is it because Shannon Cavanagh sees you as his own Bob Woodward or Kate mcClymont?


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Posted by: @Anonymous

Posted by: @helmesy

Posted by: @Anonymous

I would reflect on how my behavior resulted in the situation where the "powers that be" decided to cancel my membership. I current sit on a board and have been on management committees of various types and sizes. There are ways to get things done and ways to ensure that things will definitely not get done.

Voted out by Wests Ashfield appointed board members, not the Wests Magpies members that elected Cavanagh to represent the interests of the Wests Magpies. I like that you’re defending the WT and WA boards but if you can’t see what the possible issue is here I can’t help you.


Im going to leave it here Joel, because I really dont want to get into it personally with you.


I am NOT defending the WT & WA boards at all. I dont know if they have done the right thing or the wrong thing. I would want to have a better source than a disgraced former chairman with an axe to grind before I publicised it and opened myself personally and my website/pod up to defamation proceedings let alone damage a club I love. I would also do a risk/benefit analysis and I simply do not see the benefits to publicising very serious and completely unsubstantiated allegations that potentially defame an organisation that is important to all of us other than intentionally seeking to destabilise the board. If you cant see the possible issue here, I cant help you but a good defamation lawyer might be able to. Suggest you exclude Brydens.

Joel, have you ever considered that Shannon Cavanagh might have also aired his grievances elsewhere besides the bastion of journalism that is the Wests Tigers Podcast Forum? Have you ever considered that he may have gone to other media sources, some a lot larger than this little forum? Have you ever considered why it is that to date the only place that these completely unsubstantiated allegations have been publicised is this little forum and not anywhere else? Is it because Shannon Cavanagh sees you as his own Bob Woodward or Kate mcClymont?


Yep, we’re so far apart let’s leave it there.


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Crowsnest reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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Look on the bright side, if it’s true maybe that’s how we finally get a new Chairman.

This post was modified 2 years ago by TigerTownSFS

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
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Well, robust debate never hurt anyone unless, of course, we count those incidents in North Korea but let’s not go there right now. Anyway in this case both sides presented sound arguments but as is usually the case with these quite complex matters very little was solved. We remain as we were prior to the debate. Well, I certainly do, I’ve still got no idea what to think.

Not having a go at anybody, in fact I’m a little envious at the way the guys’ posts came across. I doubt I could ever articulate so well and I kept agreeing with both sides. I guess it just comes down to choices in regards to how you want to look at the issue.

This post was modified 2 years ago 3 times by Russtutty63

Joel Helmes reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
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Posts: 3988

Posted by: @russtutty63

Well, robust debate never hurt anyone unless, of course, we count those incidents in North Korea but let’s not go there right now.


Well said, and as Joel said, we remain poles apart, but he never (nor I) resorted to playing the man and at the end, I dont think either of us are able to add more to the discussion (between the two of us). Grateful to have a forum where that is possible.


Crowsnest, Joel Helmes, Russtutty63 and 1 people reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 562

I don't think we have heard the last of this ASIC allegation. I think its linked to the situation with Justin Pascoe last week.


I stumbled across this video that is a month old. I thought it was interesting. Jimmy Smith seems to be waiting for a call from WT you'd think


I don't have enough of the details to know for sure what is happening but it does seem as though Wests Ashfield are driving the WT bus (nothing new there). Holman Barnes Group is an attempt by directors to retain power and anyone who questions their legitimacy can expect the same treatment as Cavanagh.

I cant see the clubs fortunes turning around until something or someone can break the current structure. Cavanagh has been dispensed with pretty quickly here which is disappointing. Why doesnt club at least answer his allegations publicly? Surely there is nothing to hide?

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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@mickb I think Jimmy Smith would be a good CEO candidate.

I've always been impressed with him both in business and in media.

I think JP has done a good job off the field, considering how badly we've preformed on the field.

However I think it's time to hand over the reins and seek a new CEO

Top 8 2023

Joel Helmes reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @mickb

I don't think we have heard the last of this ASIC allegation. I think its linked to the situation with Justin Pascoe last week.


I stumbled across this video that is a month old. I thought it was interesting. Jimmy Smith seems to be waiting for a call from WT you'd think


I don't have enough of the details to know for sure what is happening but it does seem as though Wests Ashfield are driving the WT bus (nothing new there). Holman Barnes Group is an attempt by directors to retain power and anyone who questions their legitimacy can expect the same treatment as Cavanagh.


Question their legitimacy? They own 90% of the WT. Thats as legitimate as you can get.

Posted by: @mickb

I cant see the clubs fortunes turning around until something or someone can break the current structure. Cavanagh has been dispensed with pretty quickly here which is disappointing. Why doesnt club at least answer his allegations publicly? Surely there is nothing to hide?

Why would they? Didnt Cavanagh say he reported the issues to ASIC? They would deal with it if real. If not, nothing will happen.


Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 562

@tiger5150 I find it pretty bizarre that anyone would defend Wests Ashfield / WT board members but i respect your right to do so

Id rather not debate the Cavanagh stuff because I don't have all the information. Time may lead to more facts coming to light.

Joel Helmes reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @mickb

@tiger5150 I find it pretty bizarre that anyone would defend Wests Ashfield / WT board members but i respect your right to do so

Im not defending them at all, nor am I calling for their heads because I dont know who is doing a good job or not. Collectively they have overseen 12 years of abject failure so its not a high pass. That is not the point. You can question their performance all day, you will get no argument from me, but you cant argue their legitimacy. When you own 90% of the organisation, you appoint who you want and that is legitimate. Its bizarre to argue otherwise.


Posted by: @mickb

Id rather not debate the Cavanagh stuff because I don't have all the information. Time may lead to more facts coming to light.


The Cavanagh stuff will resolve itself (possibly already has). Cavanagh behaved poorly and was sacked. His supporters will argue that he was a whistleblower and that will resolve itself as well. Cavanagh claimed to have reported his concerns to ASIC. If his concerns are legitimate, ASIC will act. If not its the right result anyway.


jirskyr and Dirty Reds reacted
Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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“I’ve almost completed my MBA”. Come on, if we are getting a new CEO can we get a real and experienced one please.

Wests Magpies NSW Cup
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MMM going a bit feral on Tigers management

Joel Helmes reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 558

@tigertownsfs What footy related stuff was he going on about TT?

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
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Posted by: @tigertownsfs

MMM going a bit feral on Tigers management

I've been sympathetic to Justin Pascoe

  1. But when a commercial radio can down 15 mins dedicated solely to how unprofessional he is, merited or not,  surely it's time, for the good of the club,  to fall on your sword.


Top 8 2023

Mike and Joel Helmes reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @frullens

Posted by: @tigertownsfs

MMM going a bit feral on Tigers management

I've been sympathetic to Justin Pascoe

  1. But when a commercial radio can down 15 mins dedicated solely to how unprofessional he is, merited or not,  surely it's time, for the good of the club,  to fall on your sword.



Alternatively, the media trawls this forum and WTF for talking points and merely regurgitate them. There is nothing substantive in that report. If the CEO being on his phone is the biggest problem we are in a good place.


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