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Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5247

Posted by: @jirskyr

Oh so now you are beardist

Most definitely.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Wests Tigers Development Player
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 4731

Posted by: @crowsnest

Posted by: @jirskyr

you are branded some kind of blindless shill.

what's a "shill" mate


”A person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest”


Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5247

Posted by: @lestronge

@jirskyr just in case people haven’t noticed , the raiders have done the exact same thing we did . Yanks on the jersey instead of Aussie’s . 
Looks like incompetence can happen anywhere! 
I haven’t read back so sorry if I’m repeating others , but our whole marketing/signage/ sponsorship department , are an absolute joke . Basically ever since our media manager went to the nrl . This next crop are an absolute joke , whether it’s screwing up benji on the sign as you walk into the COE , mucking up Heighnos name or coming up with a jersey for Anzac Day that looks Awesome… only for it to be a photo of yanks .

Which by the way , most diggers would have taken one look at that photo and picked out straight away it looks like the US gear/ cam silhouette . 
I don’t really blame a CEO for not knowing , as you have to have trust for those underneath you , but how many screw ups from this one department which has one mandate “make the tigers look good to get revenue” . And they consistently screw it up. 
To me it reeks of people who

1. Are half arsed in their approach , and think the designs themselves are all that is put out there . 

NO YOU DUM DUMs! Most would have rathered a boring arse jersey with a rising sun badge , or slouchy with correct wording , rather than this elaborate awesome jersey , of yanks probably on an exercise and not actually of a war photo. 
rant over! It happens too often . Someone should be sacked for this . And not just the CEO . Because he’s not the dum dum who didn’t do his due diligence. He’s just the dum dum who trusted the other ,more incompetent dum dums !!! 

This will really sound like a bit of a cop out but I think most clubs have a similar issue. What I have found is that football clubs are very unique business, they are multi million dollar businesses that have as much money as possible diverted through the football department. It leads to the admin side of the business operating on a much small budget than most businesses their size. You end up with lots of young people in the staff with a severe lack of experience at the middle management level, being a sporting organisation they seem to attract a lot of competitive people who due to the lack of experience in the level above are all competing to try and get ahead as opportunities come early in their careers. 


I think this would be similar across a lot of sporting organisations in this country.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Crowsnest reacted
Balmain Tigers SG Ball
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 558

Posted by: @mike

”A person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest”

Learn something every day, thanks.

I wish people would talk more about football, this jersey thing is giving me the shitesters.

Rabbits should be too good for the dogs 🤔


(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @jirskyr

Posted by: @Anonymous

Everyone will see what they wanted to see. 24hrs ago this forum was up in arms about Pascoe lying about collaborating with Holsworthy. Everyone here was up in arms about the club calling it a commemorative jersey and not an ANZAC jersey and the consensus was it was because the club knew that the soldiers werent Aussie. That statement explains that Pascoe didnt lie about Holsworthy (Photos back that up). The statement explains that it was a NRL directive not to call it an ANZAC jersey.

Im glad they made a statement because I want to know the truth. The truth matters to me. To others the narrative is more important to the truth and that statement doesnt support it. These are usually the same people who complain that the club isnt "open and transparent".


Don't post this in the other forum, you'll have the baboons shrieking "Club shill! Club shill!" before you can draw another breath.


No hope of me ever posting anything in the other forum mate.


Posted by: @jirskyr

Or to paraphrase your earlier post, you can be both disappointed about club management and also trying to judge each individual issue logically and dispassionately. For some folks it seems to be all or nothing, that you must hate any slight mis-step the Tigers make, or if you push-back on the pile-on, you are branded some kind of blindless shill.



There are plenty of actual screw ups by club management to get upset or disappointed with without jumping at shadows with issues that never existed.


Balmain Tigers SG Ball Moderator
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 602

Posted by: @garry

So the Canberra Raiders have done the exact same thing.

Us Military Marine Studio Shooting Alpha Stock Photo 134787158 | Shutterstock


Canberra Raiders NRL ISC 2022 ANZAC Jersey Sizes S-7XL! (

Seems they did it last year


Hypocrisy manifest in its finest form by the Nrl Media.


(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @lestronge

@jirskyr just in case people haven’t noticed , the raiders have done the exact same thing we did . Yanks on the jersey instead of Aussie’s . 
Looks like incompetence can happen anywhere! 
I haven’t read back so sorry if I’m repeating others , but our whole marketing/signage/ sponsorship department , are an absolute joke . Basically ever since our media manager went to the nrl . This next crop are an absolute joke , whether it’s screwing up benji on the sign as you walk into the COE , mucking up Heighnos name or coming up with a jersey for Anzac Day that looks Awesome… only for it to be a photo of yanks .

Which by the way , most diggers would have taken one look at that photo and picked out straight away it looks like the US gear/ cam silhouette . 
I don’t really blame a CEO for not knowing , as you have to have trust for those underneath you , but how many screw ups from this one department which has one mandate “make the tigers look good to get revenue” . And they consistently screw it up. 
To me it reeks of people who

1. Are half arsed in their approach , and think the designs themselves are all that is put out there . 

NO YOU DUM DUMs! Most would have rathered a boring arse jersey with a rising sun badge , or slouchy with correct wording , rather than this elaborate awesome jersey , of yanks probably on an exercise and not actually of a war photo. 
rant over! It happens too often . Someone should be sacked for this . And not just the CEO . Because he’s not the dum dum who didn’t do his due diligence. He’s just the dum dum who trusted the other ,more incompetent dum dums !!! 

This will really sound like a bit of a cop out but I think most clubs have a similar issue. What I have found is that football clubs are very unique business, they are multi million dollar businesses that have as much money as possible diverted through the football department. It leads to the admin side of the business operating on a much small budget than most businesses their size. You end up with lots of young people in the staff with a severe lack of experience at the middle management level, being a sporting organisation they seem to attract a lot of competitive people who due to the lack of experience in the level above are all competing to try and get ahead as opportunities come early in their careers. 


I think this would be similar across a lot of sporting organisations in this country.



Very good point. If you take out the grant and the player salaries, its actually quite a small business that has to employ a lot of people.


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 652

@garry yep , I get that , but just because someone is young/ inexperienced , it doesn’t account for competence . You either are or you arnt . And if you’re not , then your one up needs to understand and catch your limitations . 
and if they can’t , then the doors over there . 
The institutional incompetence is beyond me with this mob . 
Theres 17 teams in this comp , half at the least with less money than us , and only one other club , in manly , is there the level of self inflicted heat . And they have an excuse , a flighty owner who lives in the US . What excuse do we have ?
mall this talk of the COE just reeks of mutton dressed up as lamb . 
I love the club but there’s far too many people who work there , who seem happy committing own goals on the regular . There’s definitely an “oh wells **shrugs** guess we will get ‘‘em next time “ 
And whether your an owner trader or Microsoft, that’s a recipe for disaster 

Wests Magpies Harold Matts
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 307

Posted by: @garry


This will really sound like a bit of a cop out but I think most clubs have a similar issue. What I have found is that football clubs are very unique business, they are multi million dollar businesses that have as much money as possible diverted through the football department. It leads to the admin side of the business operating on a much small budget than most businesses their size. You end up with lots of young people in the staff with a severe lack of experience at the middle management level, being a sporting organisation they seem to attract a lot of competitive people who due to the lack of experience in the level above are all competing to try and get ahead as opportunities come early in their careers. 


I think this would be similar across a lot of sporting organisations in this country.


You remember Garry, first time we walked out of Tigers HQ, I made comment that Tigers probably run on a shoestring budget. And as you noted, when they do make some profit, they drive it mostly back into Football Ops, because that is the more sure-fire way to boost the overall club success and profitability.

You've dealt with the club more closely than me since then, but I've observed they have a number of nice folks in middle management, I guessed on quite modest salaries and all super busy, and then a lot of interns, probably on half of bugger all. I just didn't get the impression that any of these clubs are really in the market to snap up the top management / media / PR candidates, particularly beyond the top few senior managers.

I could be entirely wrong of course, but that was my impression.

Also, unfortunately for everyone employed at NRL clubs, the roles also come with huge public pressure if there are any mistakes. I said in another post, imagine how the Tigers PR and media folks would be feeling about this jersey issue, such a minor error and the whole club has to go into damage-control mode.


Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5247

Posted by: @jirskyr

Posted by: @garry


This will really sound like a bit of a cop out but I think most clubs have a similar issue. What I have found is that football clubs are very unique business, they are multi million dollar businesses that have as much money as possible diverted through the football department. It leads to the admin side of the business operating on a much small budget than most businesses their size. You end up with lots of young people in the staff with a severe lack of experience at the middle management level, being a sporting organisation they seem to attract a lot of competitive people who due to the lack of experience in the level above are all competing to try and get ahead as opportunities come early in their careers. 


I think this would be similar across a lot of sporting organisations in this country.


You remember Garry, first time we walked out of Tigers HQ, I made comment that Tigers probably run on a shoestring budget. And as you noted, when they do make some profit, they drive it mostly back into Football Ops, because that is the more sure-fire way to boost the overall club success and profitability.

You've dealt with the club more closely than me since then, but I've observed they have a number of nice folks in middle management, I guessed on quite modest salaries and all super busy, and then a lot of interns, probably on half of bugger all. I just didn't get the impression that any of these clubs are really in the market to snap up the top management / media / PR candidates, particularly beyond the top few senior managers.

I could be entirely wrong of course, but that was my impression.

Also, unfortunately for everyone employed at NRL clubs, the roles also come with huge public pressure if there are any mistakes. I said in another post, imagine how the Tigers PR and media folks would be feeling about this jersey issue, such a minor error and the whole club has to go into damage-control mode.


Yeah that is my exact impression as well, this mistake was made by someone who is not part of the senior management. Imagine making this sort of mistake at work and having it all over the media for days on end. I actually have to worry about the mental health consequences for the person in this position, they have been personally attacked online over this and I think at times we need to remember that these are real people.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

jirskyr reacted
Wests Magpies Harold Matts
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 307

Posted by: @lestronge

@garry yep , I get that , but just because someone is young/ inexperienced , it doesn’t account for competence . You either are or you arnt . And if you’re not , then your one up needs to understand and catch your limitations . 
and if they can’t , then the doors over there . 
The institutional incompetence is beyond me with this mob . 
Theres 17 teams in this comp , half at the least with less money than us , and only one other club , in manly , is there the level of self inflicted heat . And they have an excuse , a flighty owner who lives in the US . What excuse do we have ?
mall this talk of the COE just reeks of mutton dressed up as lamb . 
I love the club but there’s far too many people who work there , who seem happy committing own goals on the regular . There’s definitely an “oh wells **shrugs** guess we will get ‘‘em next time “ 
And whether your an owner trader or Microsoft, that’s a recipe for disaster 

I don't agree with that. The other clubs are making mistakes all the time, it's just that the individual fans forget about it. It's already been proven that even for commemorative jerseys Tigers are not alone, and obviously Manly had that huge issue with the pride jersey last year.

And I think you are being naive by equating errors with incompetence. For example I can tell you from my own experience, at my first ever student job I made a small mistake with a forklift that brought down a sprinkler pipe, saturated our receiving dock. I could do that job on my ear, even as a 19 year-old, but one day I was in a rush and I clipped a sprinkler, and bam the whole thing snaps open and dumps high-pressure water all over the dock.

These issues you are adding together are errors, not necessarily incompetence, and young people with less experience are simply more likely to make mistakes.

So even look at the best-performing team so far in 2023, the Broncos, their recent history:

- Cobbo being caught out saying Kevin Walters can't coach

- Ben Ikin removing himself from the recruitment role after just 18 months

- Hiring then firing Seibold after axing Wayne Bennett, who has continued to show his ability with Souths and Dolphins

- Seibold being forced to apologise to Luke Keary in 2019

- On-field performances for several years prior to 2023

- Payment discrepancies swept under the carpet after Andrew Gee conveniently resigns and disappears

This is from the best-funded and most media-protected club in the NRL, potentially in the country. 


Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 838

Posted by: @garry


I think this would be similar across a lot of sporting organisations in this country.

Can definitely confirm this having dealt with a large part of the industry over the years. The vast majority of the office positions are relatively poorly paid, so there's a lot of turnover and general inexperience. Supply and demand plays a part - ultimately lots and lots of people want to work in sport as it's seen as a 'fun' industry (YMMV here....). 

Which means it's more important to get the management positions right, as they'll be driving a ragtag bunch a lot of the time. 

I've dealt with the Roosters and Swans a lot in a former job and they weren't exactly society's best and brightest, despite what the outside image may be. 

Wests Tigers Jersey Flegg Moderator
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1783

I've dealt witha few clubs across different sports in my work role also.

I get what you are saying about lack of experience/pay in middle management and general staff.

But the good clubs balance that out with selected experience at board level - and use different board members with particular skills to drive certain projects.


We lack that optuon in our board 

Top 8 2023

Joel Helmes reacted
Wests Tigers Development Player Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 5247

Posted by: @frullens

I've dealt witha few clubs across different sports in my work role also.

I get what you are saying about lack of experience/pay in middle management and general staff.

But the good clubs balance that out with selected experience at board level - and use different board members with particular skills to drive certain projects.


We lack that optuon in our board 

That is why I would like to see a professional recruitment process for board members.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Joel Helmes and Frullens reacted
(@Anonymous 19)
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3988

Posted by: @garry

Posted by: @frullens

I've dealt witha few clubs across different sports in my work role also.

I get what you are saying about lack of experience/pay in middle management and general staff.

But the good clubs balance that out with selected experience at board level - and use different board members with particular skills to drive certain projects.


We lack that optuon in our board 

That is why I would like to see a professional recruitment process for board members.


Id be happy with WA having a majority, a token Balmain seat (at WA's grace) and then fill the rest with true independents. You have to have stabilty at board level and an owner can not risk that volatility and therefore must control the majority of the board, but the balance should be truly independent and there on merit and excellence. Rememeber the NRL insisting on 3 (?) independents. Now our only "independent" board member is more "Balmain" than Dawn.


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