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Chris Cornell could sing absolutely anything.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posted by: @garry

Chris Cornell could sing absolutely anything.

Audioslave was the first big concert that I went to. Incredible night!

Then when I went to see Linkin Park, I didn't know who the guest band would be. Chris Cornell came out and played with Jason Bonham (son of Led Zeps John Bonham). It was incredible!

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Posted by: @canberratiger
Posted by: @garry

Chris Cornell could sing absolutely anything.

Audioslave was the first big concert that I went to. Incredible night!

Then when I went to see Linkin Park, I didn't know who the guest band would be. Chris Cornell came out and played with Jason Bonham (son of Led Zeps John Bonham). It was incredible!

Audioslave at the Hordern?


I went to the 2 Linkin Park shows just to see Chris lol, he also did a sideshow of his own at the Enmore and Chester did Hungerstrike with him at all 3 shows I saw on that tour.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 553

@garry yeah at the Hordern. 

Oh man, Hungerstrike with Chester would have been worth the price of admission alone!

I make sure to see Tool whenever they are out here. Their show is really something

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Posted by: @canberratiger

@garry yeah at the Hordern. 

Oh man, Hungerstrike with Chester would have been worth the price of admission alone!

I make sure to see Tool whenever they are out here. Their show is really something

Yeah I was at the hordern show, was on the 24th of April lol.

I have done better than seeing Chris and chester do hungerstrike. I saw temple of the dog perform it twice. So twice saw Chris and Eddie sing it.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posts: 553
Posted by: @garry
Posted by: @canberratiger

@garry yeah at the Hordern. 

Oh man, Hungerstrike with Chester would have been worth the price of admission alone!

I make sure to see Tool whenever they are out here. Their show is really something

Yeah I was at the hordern show, was on the 24th of April lol.

I have done better than seeing Chris and chester do hungerstrike. I saw temple of the dog perform it twice. So twice saw Chris and Eddie sing it.

Now that is just unfair! Hahaha!

I was supposed to see Slipknot and Metallica but they cancelled. It would have been incredible to see them together

I wish I was old enough to ohave seen Alice In Chains. They would be my favourite grunge era band, I reckon.


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Posted by: @canberratiger
Posted by: @garry
Posted by: @canberratiger

@garry yeah at the Hordern. 

Oh man, Hungerstrike with Chester would have been worth the price of admission alone!

I make sure to see Tool whenever they are out here. Their show is really something

Yeah I was at the hordern show, was on the 24th of April lol.

I have done better than seeing Chris and chester do hungerstrike. I saw temple of the dog perform it twice. So twice saw Chris and Eddie sing it.

Now that is just unfair! Hahaha!

I was supposed to see Slipknot and Metallica but they cancelled. It would have been incredible to see them together

I wish I was old enough to ohave seen Alice In Chains. They would be my favourite grunge era band, I reckon.


I had tickets to that as well.


I saw temple at the PJ20 festival in the US, planned the entire holiday around going to that. I love AIC, Layne is one of my favourite singers, I really love the Mad Season album.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

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@canberratiger This is from when I saw them. I'm not to ashamed to say that I cried when they launched into this.


In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posted by: @garry

@canberratiger This is from when I saw them. I'm not to ashamed to say that I cried when they launched into this.


Chris Cornell is very famous, but he should be a household name. 

When I saw him and Jason Bonham, Jason played Moby Dick which was just beautiful. The last Tool concert I went to was absolutely mind blowing, the drummer, Danny Carey is an octopus on the drums. 

And in my opinion: AIC Unplugged is better than Nirvana's Unplugged. Not saying that Nirvana's wasn't a masterpiece at all.

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Posted by: @canberratiger
Posted by: @garry

@canberratiger This is from when I saw them. I'm not to ashamed to say that I cried when they launched into this.


Chris Cornell is very famous, but he should be a household name. 

When I saw him and Jason Bonham, Jason played Moby Dick which was just beautiful. The last Tool concert I went to was absolutely mind blowing, the drummer, Danny Carey is an octopus on the drums. 

And in my opinion: AIC Unplugged is better than Nirvana's Unplugged. Not saying that Nirvana's wasn't a masterpiece at all.

I prefer both AIC and Pearl Jams unplugged to Nirvana.


Funny thing is in relation to Chris Cornell being an household name, I was in the pit for that Linkin Park tour that Chris was the support act for. We were made to sit down when we entered the venue and some young LP fan asked her boyfriend who the support act was, he said Chris Cornell. Her reply was I have never heard of him but I guess everyone has to get a start somewhere. I preceded to educate her in my arrogant way lol.


I was lucky enough to see Soundgarden in the 90's at a couple of BDOs, Audioslave in 2003 and his solo shows in 2006. I must say the Soundgarden shows in 2012 and 2015 along with the solo shows in 2012 and 2015 were the best I ever heard him, he was just getting better and better with age. There is not a day that I do not miss him, his music is so important in my life. He was also awesome at PJ20, that festival will always be one of the highlights of my life.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

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@canberratiger What is the best show you have attended?

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

Balmain Tigers SG Ball
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Posted by: @garry

@canberratiger What is the best show you have attended?

A similar thing happened at the LP concert I went to. I reckon everyone was there cos of the Transformer movie so they didn't even know LP really. When Chris Cornell was playing they were just staring blankly and breathing through their mouths (probably a bit of my imagination too haha!) and I guarantee that 99.9% had no idea who John Bonham was.



Honestly, it would have to be the most recent Tool concert. I had seen them a few times before but that one was just insane. It was like they poured so much more energy than usual into it. They so banned mobile phones until the last song which was great cos it made everyone actually watch. The visuals as well as the music are amazing!

How about you?

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@canberratiger pj20 was amazing.  Pearl Jam headlined both nights and in over 6 hours on stage didn't repeat any songs. Plus all the support acts were their mates so lots of cameos.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

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Tempted to go see these guys when they are out here next year.

In memory of Geoff Chisholm (1965-2022)

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There  is only one left now.. A tribute from Jimmy Barnes on Facebook

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